Is the Auto Loan Bubble Bursting? Delinquent Loans Jump 27% Year-Over-Year

Screen Shot 2014-12-05 at 12.29.58 PMI’ve covered the ever expanding subprime auto loan market on several occasions over the past couple of years, most recently in the post: Chinese Homebuilders Expand in America as U.S. Auto Loans Hit Record Levels. As they always do, it appears that the chickens are starting to come home to roost.

The New York Times reports the following:

An increasing number of borrowers are falling behind on their car payments, even as the total amount of outstanding debt reaches new heights, according to the latest report by Experian, the credit and research firm.

In a presentation on Wednesday, Experian said the balance of loans that were 60 days delinquent increased 27 percent, to roughly $4 billion, in the third quarter from the same period a year ago.

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The Most Horrifying Music Video You’ll Ever See – A Country Song Dedicated to Hillary Clinton

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This has to be a joke.

I don’t think this is a joke.

Please, someone tell me this is a joke.

Brace your ears for an unbridled musical holocaust. This is essentially the American equivalent of Putin riding a horse bare-chested.

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Parents Shouldn’t Replace State Propaganda with Their Own Propaganda

Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 3.01.00 PMI want to share with my children everything I’ve learned over these past few years as I’ve abandoned my mental and emotional slavery and embraced personal sovereignty. Defending my children from the lies of statists and oligarchs is one of the most important things I can do as a parent.

However, a healthy concern I have is that I don’t want to merely replace the state. What I mean is I don’t want to eliminate state propaganda and brainwashing and merely replace it with my own equivalent.

My intentions are good as a parent, but I never want to allow my passion and perspective to become the automatic default belief system for my children.

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Video of the Day – This Is What Happens When You Call the Cops

Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 11.09.23 AMIn a healthy, moral and civilized society defined by the rule of law, police can play an important role. They should be people who come from the communities they promise to “protect and serve.” They should view themselves as a part of these communities, not as something separate and distinct. Police should see their jobs as having a great degree of risk, and must be willing to accept that risk. This means not pretending to be a solider at war, not choosing the most violent solution to every problem, and not viewing the citizenry as milk cows ready and willing to be drained of their assets via civil forfeiture.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the state of the police in America in 2014, and it’s quickly becoming obvious to everyone. Ferguson was a key moment in this awakening, when white pundits and others typically confined to less distraught communities, witnessed the militarized police in all its SWAT team horror for the first time. In the piece, “A Good Time Was Had By All” – The Obamas Dance the Night Away as Ferguson, Missouri Burns, I wrote:

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Another Government Scam – Small Business Administration (SBA) is Exposed as Corporate Welfare to Big Businesses

Screen Shot 2014-12-03 at 2.42.03 PMMany people have noted that the more insidious or corrupt a law or agency, the more positive sounding its name. The most egregious example during my lifetime, was naming legislation that stripped Americans of most of their civil liberties the “Patriot” Act.

In a similar vein, which red-blooded American could ever be opposed to something called the Small Business Administration (SBA). We all love small businesses and the entrepreneurial spirit, and even those who abhor big government have a hard time siding against an agency that supports the little guy. As such, the SBA is the perfect vehicle for cronyism, corruption and corporate welfare, which indeed appears to be its primary reason for existence.

My friends at Open the Books have published a key study on the SBA, and the results are ugly. The full report can be found here, but what follows is some analysis of the report by Stephen Moore at Investors Business Daily:

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Made in the USA – How the Ukrainian Government is Giving Away Citizenships so Foreigners Can Run the Country

Screen Shot 2014-12-03 at 11.50.14 AMI hadn’t written a single piece on the U.S.-Ukraine-Russia quagmire for the entirety of 2014, until Monday when I published: Tensions Between the U.S. and Russia Are Worse Than You Realize – Remarks by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Now I can hardly think of anything else.

The reason the geopolitical hot zone has so captured my attention is because I think we are much closer to a serious escalation than most people want to admit. I hope I’m wrong, but when I take a step back and look at what is being said and done under the surface, an incredibly dangerous tinderbox is now firmly in place and ready to be lit. We know from history that relatively minor catalysts can lead to unimaginable horrors. I fear the stage is set for some real nastiness, and hope cooler heads can prevail on both sides.

Claims that the new government in Ukraine is nothing more than a Western puppet Parliament have been swirling around consistently since February. Nevertheless, I think it’s very significant that the takeover is now overt, undeniable and completely out in the open. Nothing proves this fact more clearly than the recent and sudden granting of citizenship to three foreigners so that they can take top posts in the government.

At the top of the list is American, Natalie Jaresko, who runs private equity fund Horizon Capital. She will now be Ukraine’s Finance Minister, and I highly doubt she will be forced to pay the IRS Expatriation Tax (one set of laws for the rich and powerful, another set of laws for the peasants). For Economy Minister, a Lithuanian investment banker, Aivaras Abromavicius, will take the reins. Health Minister will be Alexander Kvitashvili of Georgia.

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Picture of the Day – A Very Creepy Season’s Greetings from Tony Blair

Everybody takes weird photos, but this is Tony Blair. A man who masquerades as a humanitarian, but in reality is a complete and total fraud. A guy who has leveraged his position of power to enrich himself at the expense of humanity itself. He is being mocked heavily all over the internet for his recent Christmas card. It’s hard to feel bad for the guy. Here are a few of the best tweets I’ve seen:

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How the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is Selling Residency to Chinese “Investors” at $500k a Pop

Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 11.14.20 AMA major theme here at Liberty Blitzkrieg over the past year has been the creative ways in which corrupt Chinese oligarchs and government officials are maneuvering their way into the United States. To be clear, I am not anti-immigration by any stretch of the imagination. My mother was an immigrant. This is about being against corrupt and morally compromised individuals being welcomed here with open arms just because they have cash. We have enough domestic criminal oligarchs as it stands. These people have collectively captured the American political and economic system and control it to their own ends. Do we really need to import more of these types from abroad?

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Tensions Between the U.S. and Russia Are Worse Than You Realize – Remarks by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

Screen Shot 2014-12-01 at 12.39.13 PM“I am young, I am twenty years old; yet I know nothing of life but despair, death, fear, and fatuous superficiality cast over an abyss of sorrow. I see how peoples are set against one another, and in silence, unknowingly, foolishly, obediently, innocently slay one another.”

– Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front

Despite an interest in geopolitics, I haven’t really written anything on the concerning and worsening tension between the government of the United States and the government of Russia. I intentionally wrote government twice in order to emphasize the fact that 99.9% of Americans do not have real grievances with actual Russian people, and vice versa. This is a high-level conflict between powerful “leaders” playing a game of Risk with average citizen as pawns. This is how it’s always been. As human beings, we should never lose sight of this so the mistakes we make in the future aren’t nearly as tragic as those made by our ancestors.

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When Your Church Becomes a Place of Statist Worship

Screen Shot 2014-11-28 at 3.49.30 PMA hallway filled with American flags. Posters of the troops. Even a scheduled evening celebration that consisted of a 5-minute trailer with theatrical music meant to drive up your emotional state and give you goose bumps. Charged words flashed across the screen: Honor, Country, Freedom.

No, I wasn’t at a military recruitment event. It wasn’t even a government building or a movie theater, which often serve as fertile environments for statist propaganda.

Nope, all of this happened at church last Sunday. A place where, according to the cornerstone of the entire religion, we are to treat others how we want to be treated.

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