U.S. Vacancy Rate Rises for First Time Since 2009 in Wake of Apartment Building Construction Surge

Screen Shot 2014-10-02 at 12.25.50 PMThis is an interesting headline, and one that anyone paying attention to the domestic real estate market should pay close attention to. We know that millennials aren’t the ones buying new homes in America (that market has been cornered by private equity and hedge funds as well as foreigners laundering suspect money), but those millennials who do posses the cash flow to move out on their own definitely appear to be renting. Due to this trend of renting as opposed to buying by average citizens, there has been an enormous construction boom of apartment complexes across the U.S.

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Meet FireChat – How Hong Kong Protesters are Communicating Without the Internet

Screen Shot 2014-10-01 at 12.56.45 PMWired first reported on a new iOS app called FireChat back in late March. It described it in the following manner:

A new iOS app called FireChat is blowing up in the App Store. But it’s not the app itself that’s causing such a stir, it’s the underlying networking technology it taps into.

The idea behind FireChat is simple. It’s a chatting app. After registering with a name — no email address or other personal identifiers required — you’re dropped into a fast-moving chatroom of “Everyone” using it in your country. The interesting aspect, however, is the “Nearby” option. Here, the app uses Apple’s Multipeer Connectivity framework, essentially a peer-to-peer feature that lets you share messages (and soon photos) with other app users nearby, regardless of whether you have an actual Wi-Fi or cellular connection.

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A Tale from Post-Constitutional America – This is What Happens if You Turn Your Back on Hillary Clinton

Screen Shot 2014-10-01 at 11.48.52 AMThe name Ray McGovern should be familiar to longtime readers of Liberty Blitzkrieg. The former C.I.A. analyst has been a vocal critic of the oligarch cesspool of fraud and deception that these United States has decayed into. I highlighted some of his criticisms a year ago in the post, Ray McGovern: “Obama is Afraid of the C.I.A.”, in which he memorably stated:

I think he’s just afraid and he shouldn’t have run for president if he was going to be this much of a wuss. 

Well, Mr. McGovern is back in the news. This time it’s for daring to turn his back on your royal highness, Hillary Rodham Clinton, in an act of non-violent public protest. We learn from Bill Moyers that:

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The UK’s Conservative Party Declares War on YouTube, Twitter, Free Speech and Common Sense

Screen Shot 2014-09-30 at 11.43.22 AMSome of the most memorable moments of my tabloid-filled youth consisted of watching Geraldo Rivera interviewing and confronting Neo-Nazis and racists both in his studio and on the streets. Often times, these heated encounters resulted in brawls such as the one in this video, which has over 600,000 views on YouTube.

Geraldo and many others gave “a voice” to countless hateful groups on a regular basis throughout my youth, and millions of my fellow Americans saw them and were exposed to their unenlightened and pathetic ideology. This didn’t result in hordes of youth turning to violent extremism or the beginning of a Fourth Reich. Rather, what these interviews successfully did was expose the idiocy of these groups and make them even more isolated than they were before. That is how things work in a functioning free society. You aren’t afraid of ideas, you exchange them.

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Will Senators Rand Paul and Elizabeth Warren Unite to Finally “Audit the Fed”?

Screen Shot 2014-09-29 at 12.09.59 PMI finally had a chance to listen to the hour long interview of former bank examiner and whistleblower, Carmen Segarra, with “This American Life.” In the event you haven’t taken the time to listen for yourself, I can’t emphasize enough how important it is that you do.

Whether you listen to it yourself or not, I think it’s worthwhile to share what I believe are the most important takeaways from the “Goldman Tapes,” since you cannot solve a problem unless you understand it clearly at its core.

First, a little background. Carmen Segarra is the woman who worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as a bank examiner. She was assigned specifically to Goldman Sachs, and was ultimately fired for asking too many questions. These employees are positioned within certain banks in order to oversee them and alert their bosses about any unscrupulous activities. At least that is what is claimed.

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The Status Quo Playbook Beyond 2014: Corporate Regulations, Professional Politicians and the Strip Mining of Sovereign Assets

Screen Shot 2014-09-26 at 11.48.29 AMIt’s not often that I come across a blog post that so interests and impresses me that I drop everything else and decide to highlight it. The post I am referring to is by David Malone of the Golem XIV blog. The pieces that caught my attention consist of a three part series titled The Next Crisis – A Manifesto for the Supremacy of the 1%. Two parts have been published thus far, with the third section forthcoming.

The reason I believe his work here is so important, is because I think the scenarios he outlines as the plan the global oligarchy intends to put into place during the next crisis are quite possible, if not probable. Knowing the tactics of those who wish to oppress you and lock you into perpetual serfdom is half the battle. We must get inside of the devious minds of these people so that we are prepared for their next assault, which without question, is coming our way.

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Standard & Poor’s Warns on Germany as Anti-Euro Political Party Soars in Popularity

Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 3.44.03 PMThe German political party known as the AfD, or “Alternative for Germany,” first came to my attention a year ago. Upon reading about it, I became so interested in this new party (it has only been around since early 2013) that I composed a post titled: Anti-Euro Party in Germany Makes Significant Headway into Parliamentary Elections. Here’s an excerpt:

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Australian Senate Kills Civil Liberties with Draconian New Anti-Terror Law in Orwellian Orgy of Baseless Fear-Mongering

Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 11.21.10 AMUnderstanding how the power structure thinks, and how it intentionally manipulates the emotions of the masses, is key to overcoming and rolling back totalitarian ambitions. I have spent the last few posts talking about how instilling fear throughout the general populace is one of their primary tactics. Indeed, to borrow a term from Glenn Greenwald, “fear-manufacturing” has been in overdrive across the Five Eyes nations over the past several weeks.

In the UK, we saw it used to convince elderly Scots to overwhelming vote against independence, thus swaying the result decisively to the NO side. In the USA, we have seen it used to drum up support for another pointless war in the Middle East, which will benefit nobody except for the military/intelligence-industrial complex.

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U.S. Propaganda Enters Into Insane, Irrational Overdrive in Attempt to “Sell” War in Syria

Screen Shot 2014-09-24 at 12.09.44 PMThanks to a dizzying barrage of lies, mainstream media fear-mongering and a couple of beheadings, the Obama Administration finally achieved its long sought after war in Syria. The tactic that proved most effective in mobilizing the American public back into a shivering, post-9/11 fetal position, was the same tactic used by elites in the UK to convince Scotland against voting for independence. That tactic, as I detailed in a recent post, is fear.

However, fear in itself is not enough. It must be coupled with endless slogans and misdirection by the mainstream media and politicians. It must lead the public to subconsciously embrace a thought process that is completely irrational. Such tactics can be labeled propaganda, and it results in a public suddenly supporting a war it strongly opposed only a year ago. All it takes is a little repackaging. Propaganda allows those who profit from war to push the American public into a tizzy of trepidation based on a couple of beheadings from ISIS, while not batting an eye over the daily beheadings that were simultaneously occurring in Saudi Arabia.

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Students and Teachers Protest in Colorado After Proposal to Censor “Civil Disobedience Topics” from AP History

Screen Shot 2014-09-23 at 3.59.59 PMMust the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator?  Why has every man a conscience then?  I think that we should be men first, and subjects afterward.  It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right. The only obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I think right.

– Henry David Thoreau in Civil Disobedience (1849)

Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.

– Frederick Douglass

Civil disobedience is as American as apple pie. In fact, one of the most memorable moments in the formation of the republic was the Boston Tea Party, a much celebrated and historic act of civil disobedience.

From colonists dressed as Native Americans dumping East India Company tea into the Boston Harbor, to Henry David Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience. From Rosa Parks, to Martin Luther King Jr., civil disobedience has been a significant part of what has made these United States free, and is a tactic that should be elevated and encouraged, rather than censored and demonized.

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