The Jeffrey Epstein Case Offers a Rare Opportunity to Focus

Perhaps, at long last, a serial rapist and pedophile may be brought to justice, more than a dozen years after he was first charged with crimes that have brutalized countless girls and women. But what won’t change is this: the cesspool of elites, many of them in New York, who allowed Jeffrey Epstein to flourish with impunity. For decades, important, influential, “serious” people attended Epstein’s dinner parties, rode his private jet, and furthered the fiction that he was some kind of genius hedge-fund billionaire. How do we explain why they looked the other way, or flattered Epstein, even as they must have noticed he was often in the company of a young harem? Easy: They got something in exchange from him, whether it was a free ride on that airborne “Lolita Express,” some other form of monetary largesse, entrée into the extravagant celebrity soirées he hosted at his townhouse, or, possibly and harrowingly, a pound or two of female flesh.

– From the New York Magazine article: Who Was Jeffrey Epstein Calling? 

An honest assessment of the current state of American politics and society in general leaves little room for optimism regarding the public’s ability to accurately diagnose, much less tackle, our fundamental issues at a root level. A primary reason for this state of affairs boils down to the ease with which the American public is divided against itself and conquered.

Though there are certain issues pretty much everyone can agree on, we simply aren’t focusing our collective energy on them or creating the mass movements necessary to address them. Things such as systemic bipartisan corruption, the institutionalization of a two-tier justice system in which the wealthy and powerful are above the law, a broken economy that requires both parents to work and still barely make ends meet, and a military-industrial complex consumed with profits and imperial aggression not national defense. These are just a few of the many issues that should easily unite us against an entrenched power structure, but it is not happening. At least not yet.

We currently find ourselves at a unique inflection point in American history. Though I agree with Charles Hugh Smith’s assessment that “Our Ruling Elites Have No Idea How Much We Want to See Them All in Prison Jumpsuits,” we have yet to reach the point where the general public is prepared to do something about it. I think there are several reasons for this, but the primary obstacle relates to how easily the citizenry is divided and conquered. The mass media, largely owned and controlled by billionaires and their corporations, is highly incentivized to keep the public divided against itself on trivial issues, or at best, on real problems that are merely symptoms of bipartisan elitist plunder.

The key thing, from a plutocrat’s point of view, is to make sure the public never takes a step back and sees the root of society’s problems. It isn’t Trump or Obama, and it isn’t the Republican or Democratic parties either. These individuals and political gangs are just useful vehicles for elitist plunder. They help herd the rabble into comfortable little tribal boxes that results in made for tv squabbling, while the true forces of power carry on with the business of societal pillaging behind the scenes.

You’re encouraged to attach your identity to team Republican or team Democrat, but never unite as one voice against a bipartisan crew of depraved, corrupt and unaccountable power players molding society from the top. While the average person living paycheck to paycheck fashions themselves part of some biblical fight of good vs. evil by supporting team red or blue, the manipulative and powerful at the top remain beyond such plebeian theater (though they certainly encourage it). These folks know only one team — team green. And their team keeps winning, by the way.

When scanning the news most days, I see a constant amplification of wedge issues by mass media, blue-check pundits and even many in the so-called alternative media. I see people increasingly being encouraged to demonize and dehumanize their fellow citizens. Anyone who voted for Trump is automatically a Nazi, likewise, anyone who supports Sanders is an anti-American communist. The reality is neither of these things is even remotely true, so why are people so quick to say them?

Why is most of the anger in this country being directed at fellow powerless Americans versus upward at the power structure which nurtured and continues to defend the current depraved status quo? I don’t see any upside to actively encouraging one side of the political discussion to dehumanize the other side, and I suggest we consciously cease engaging in such behavior. Absolutely nothing good can come from it. 

Which is partly why I’ve been so consumed by the Jeffrey Epstein case. For once, it allows us to focus our energy on the depraved nature of the so-called American “elite,” rather than pick fights with each other. How many random Trump or Sanders supporters do you know who systematically molest children and then pass them off to their wealthy and powerful friends for purposes of blackmail?

The Epstein case shines a gigantic spotlight on just how twisted and sociopathic the highest echelons of U.S. society have become. This is exactly what happens when you fail to put wealthy and powerful super predators behind bars. They get more brazen, they get more demented and, ultimately, they destroy the very fabric that holds society together. We are in fact ruled by monsters.

Unfortunately, by being short-sighted, by fighting amongst ourselves, and by taking the easy route of punching down versus punching up, we allow such cretins to continue to rape and pillage what remains of our civilization.

If we can truly get to the bottom of exactly what Epstein was up to, I suspect it has the potential to focus the general public (beyond a few seconds) on the true nature of what’s really going on and what makes the world tick. Revelations of such a nature could provide the proverbial tipping point that’s so desperately needed, but this is also why the odds of us actually getting the whole story is quite low. There’s simply too much at stake for those calling the shots.

Side note: I’ve been consistently updating my Epstein twitter thread as I learn new information. I suggest checking back in from time to time.

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Michael Krieger

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23 thoughts on “The Jeffrey Epstein Case Offers a Rare Opportunity to Focus”

  1. Well, if you really want to look into the abyss, you have to read two more recent articles.

    One on Mint Press traces Epstein and his business back to Reagan and even further back to late McCarthy. And indirectly to Canada bootleggers.

    Another one on Unz shows how “Chicago Outfits” in the wake of Probation subdued California and organized cleansing of native Japanese to prey on their property, and then traces ever since those people were intertwined in US toppest ranks including federal judges. Thus unexpectedly connecting those articles.

    But, the abyss might look into you…

    • Those two articles are well worth reading. Between the two of them, they are much more informative than an ebook that I bought yesterday: Jewish Privilege by E. Michael Jones.

      On a related topic… Over the past few months I have noticed a large number of grandparents with grandkids mid-weekday at the local supermarket…

  2. My heart goes out to Michael for his continued passionate cry for united engagement. I’m afraid that I see the solution at completely the opposite end of “disengagement”. I simply don’t believe that a healthy being or species can be created out of sick, diseased, or damaged individuals. At what fundamental level to start, is not for any one person to proscribe or dictate, but for serious thinkers to indicate and suggest possibilities.

  3. The truly positive thing that has already been put in place by this autopsy of Epstein, is the seed is now planted.

    So regardless of whether people still play into the us versus them Dialectic, they all have children, or at the very least , nieces and nephews. So once it all sinks in, an awakening to the reality of the sickness has occurred.

    This hasn’t taken long to sink in for most people.

    A big change is on its way.


  4. This is the big question of why Americans and others take it? Books could be written and no doubt have been across the broad spectrum.of this topic from both the positive and the negative perspective. Are Americans (others) a people at all or are they and others a group that have been told what they are? Without some form of shared grounding society is just so much dust in the wind.

    MK’s solution to lead and live a more moral and modulated life I think is the proper start towards that grounding. Myself I try to adhere to Natural Law and the Rights of Man as my guide in living and dealing with my fellow humans and the rest of creation. Perhaps as a species it is us ourselves that are not viable, great intelligence but little intellect? Tell me honestly would you give atomic weapons to a species that runs its affairs as we do? Dust In the Wind

    Natural Law intro:

  5. “There’s simply too much at stake for those calling the shots.” — MK

    This, in a nutshell, is why I don’t expect any elite “purge” because of the Epstein story.

    Please remember that there were zero (0, zip, nada) prosecutions following the financial crisis with its subsequent bank bailouts and bonuses, despite obvious fraud on a massive scale. It was the largest heist in history. Even Bernie Madoff looked like a common pick-pocket in comparison.

    Russiagate is going on three years now, while most of the establishment and media know that it’s a farce, yet they all play along because the truth is too radioactive for the general public.

    Note also, that every time markets start to weaken, Central Banks immediately jump in to reverse the trend with massive liquidity infusions that add to their balance sheets. Business cycles and recessions are now outlawed.

    And look what they are doing to the Yellow Vests, to Greece, to Brexit, to Assange, to Chelsea Manning, to non-approved alt-media. They are not budging an inch, but doubling down. Why? Because they know that the natives are restless, revolution is in the wind, and any event that pushes the public over their pain threshold could find the elite waiting their turn at the guillotine.

    In the meantime, everything is being held together with duct tape and baling wire, until even that gives out and it all finally comes crashing down.

  6. Seems a lot of people are feeling down lately, but I’m more hopeful for America (and the world) recently after watching Iran stand up to us. It looks like Assad’s resistance in Syria was a massive turning point for this century, enabling foreign governments to tell us to pound sand. This is not only good for the rest of the world, it’s even good for Americans.

    For whatever reason, we Americans have refused to stand up to our elites who run roughshod over the world, mostly out of a misguided notion that every other place in the world is a godforsaken hellhole and all other people groups are unwashed savages. Iran is doing what we refused to do, and they’re willing to sacrifice themselves to achieve this. That’s real bravery.

    The Epstein case may not open as many eyes as it should, but when the US loses it’s unipolar hegemony over the planet it will serve as a signpost of what happened. Extreme corruption does have consequences, after all. The Epstein case could easily be a more popular topic decades from now than it is today.

    The red/blue divide and corrosive MSM will go the way of the dodo when BAU stops working here. Any transition will be painful, but absolutely necessary for a better future. It’s hard to say what coming decades will look like, but history will not be kind to leadership in the US, UK, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. That much is certain.

    • Guess you may say at least some of Americans did stand up to elites, if maybe in a half-hearted way.

      WaPo 2016: Donald Trump is backed by an ultra-nationalist biker gang, just like Vladimir Putin

      Back then Killary publicly promised war with Russia and all the vocal elites supported her, so you perhaps can consider that rally as standing up.

    • What is the nature and truth of Iran’s government? Do the Iranian people feel blessed with its leadership? Recent history shows the CIA installing an extremely authoritarian hereditary King, the Shah, who ran out his welcome and was replaced by another extreme authoritarian figure, the Ayatollah Khomeini, who had been cooling his heels in Paris for over a decade before being given the green light to fly back to Iran and make his grand entrance onto the world stage. Where are the Iranian people in all this?

      As for the American people in aggregate and their authoritarian leadership, in large part none seem to care what that leadership gets up to as long food, beverages and energy are relatively inexpensive. Perhaps we should also be asking what is the nature and truth of the people’s concerns?

    • @Arioch I don’t consider Trump’s election to be standing up to elites in a meaningful way. I wrote him off when he appointed Mnuchin and it’s been downhill from there.

      If Americans take Trump’s betrayal as a sign that the political system is broken then there is hope, but that seems extremely unlikely. They’ll always get roped into the fake drama of US politics, they love it too much. Plus Boomers will never support a reset, they have too much to lose and that pushes real change away at least another decade or two.

      @Brad Iran’s government has been waning in popularity since Khomeini’s death 30 years ago. Unfortunately we’ve been helping them with our constant threats on their country which rallies people together, but they are generally tired of the ayatollahs. Even a few of Khomeini’s grandkids have spoken out against them! They only reason they ascended to power is that the Shah was so reprehensible that even secularists rallied to the clerics. A quarter century of oppressive rule will make desperate people do desperate things.

      The American public suffers from insouciance (hat tip to PCR) and only a rude awakening will snap them out of it. I don’t see much hope here, honestly, which is why I’m so interested in Iran standing up to us. If change cannot come from within, it’s going to have to happen externally.

  7. Study Milgram, Zimbardo and in the negative, Bernays, to see the psycho-social mechanisms used to keep the masses ignorant of the truth and compliant in that ignorance. No human should reach adulthood without having been well educated on the work of these three. The international “authority figure” production line provided by politics and religion serve the 0.01% very well, otherwise how could we end up with “leaders” like Trump, GW Bush, J Trudeau and Bojo. But look at the psychopaths behind these bobble-heads (Bolton, Pompeo, Pence, Freeland etc.) to see how the “14 families” carefully position endless ranks of idiots and liars to come forward like rows of shark teeth as the current puppets lose their usefulness.

    Epstein is merely a well-paid and protected foot-soldier in the corrupt-then-blackmail game JE Hoover perfected using FBI (and other US gov’t( resources.

    • to Timothy: I didn’t get any further than Richardson’s splash page, with all it’s pseudolegalistic jargon… but from the jist of it, he seems to be promoting a version of the “freeman on the land” idea. I leave to readers to decide for themselves, but I don’t see any practical value in it.

      Milgram and Zimbardo demonstrate beyond any doubt that societies and individuals get convinced by authority figures and flawed education, religious indoctrination to commit inhumanities to others, from small interpersonal injustices to crimes against humanity.

      Once this system of deception and coercion is understood, it can be defended against at the personal, electoral and the international, corporate levels. But as long as the masses remain ignorant of Bernays’ followers’ methods, nothing will change.

    • “…idiots and liars to come forward like rows of sharks teeth…” Great wording AP. for the pattern of one authoritarian appearing after another.

      From the CIA imposed authoritarian Shah to the replacement authoritarian Ayatollah Khomeini, kept waiting in his Paris apartment until given the green light to make his entrance on to the world stage. Or this new strategy of controlling the words which control information. Information which controls the mind’s thoughts and ultimately actions in the physical world and the nature of the physical world that is then manifested.

  8. Hey Mike — I suggest you head over to for some very interesting conversations about the Epstein magic.

  9. No pedo justice no planet, earth will not be fine without us. Mass extinction precedes runaway hothouse chaos. The top 20% income earners create 70% of emissions. Ocean acid super saturation will kill plankton. Land & sea methane have blown the carbon budget. Solar & wind are going up 1% per decade of total energy. Emissions must go down 50% in 10 years or you die. If you are 30, emissions went up 60% in your life, if you are 15, emissions went up 30% in your life. 100% private wealth tax = 100% private UBI.

  10. Great read Mike.

    I was thinking similar to what you have written. I does not really matter whom Epstein was working for, what intelligence service, or what mobsters. It is the fact that these wealthy, well connected people are such a bunch of deviants, and that this type of sex ring, is covered up, as if it did not happen.

    Corruption breeds corruption.

    The most important thing to realise, is that the those in the control of the money system, play and donate to both sides of the political spectrum. They bank roll and corrupt both sides, via people like Epstein.

    • You seem to imply, that first there are “bunch of deviants” elites and then second this becomes known and used by this or that “service”.

      It is probably the other way around.

      There are “services”, and then there are “elites” that are required to take part in deviations (thus – to become controllable and blackmailable) to be ever let into those elites.

  11. Yes, and at the same time, why not some focus on all the porn that is out there easily accessibles to youths and children, and with all the messages they are putting along with it.

  12. Jul 16, 2019 The WORST Part of the Epstein Case – #PropagandaWatch

    According to the dinosaur media, the worst part about the exposure of Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking and high-level blackmail operation is that it bolsters conspiracy theories about child sex trafficking and elite corruption. Newsflash: they’re trying to gaslight you. Don’t fall for it for a second.

  13. The citizenry is divided because it is NOT one culture, in ways that go far beyond politics. Without a defining culture, mores, and history to act as a reference point, exactly what else could you possibly expect?

    Proposals to unite the citizenry against the exploitation assume that the pattern of exploitation is foreign to most of the population. That is not the case for many of the cultures that make up the modern American Empire.

    There may be a way to realize your goals by mustering broad support, but first you’ll have to get off of the mental 1940s playing field and look at the field you’re actually on right now.


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