Trump Cares About Two Things – Empire and the Stock Market

Though not surprising, it’s nevertheless extraordinary to watch Donald Trump publicly and shamelessly morph into a George W. Bush era neocon when it comes to foreign policy, and a CNBC stock market cheerleader when it comes to the economy. Just like Barack Obama before him, Trump talked a good populist game on two issues of monumental importance (foreign policy and the rigged economy), but once elected immediately turned around and prioritized the core interests of oligarchy.

Trump doesn’t even give lip service to big picture populist topics anymore unless they’re somehow related to the culture war, which works out perfectly for the entrenched oligarchy since the culture war primarily serves as a useful distraction to keep the rabble squabbling while apex societal predators loot whatever’s left of this hollowed out neo-feudal economy.

The pivot toward status quo consensus when it comes to two of the most existential issues facing the nation should be deeply concerning to everyone, but particularly to those who thought Donald Trump would be different. When it comes to militarism and empire, Trump’s hypocrisy and bait and switch is one for the record books. Just as it became clear Obama was a fraud once he hired Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner (we later found out his cabinet was apparently chosen by Citibank), Trump placing neocons Mike Pompeo and John Bolton into key positions was a clear sign you could take “Make America Great Again” and flush it down the toilet. This administration is now laser focused on maintaining and even expanding imperial reach.

Like Obama before him, Trump’s abandonment of every important thing he ran on was noticeable early on. Recall that while campaigning, Trump accurately called out the Saudis for their key role in the 9/11 attacks:

Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn’t the Iraqis, it was Saudi — take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents,” Trump told the gang at Fox & Friends Wednesday morning…

“It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center,” Trump told a crowd in Bluffton, South Carolina. “It wasn’t the Iraqis. You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center, ‘cuz they have papers in there that are very secret. You may find it’s the Saudis, okay? But you will find out.”

Shortly after he made those comments, the infamous “28 Pages” were released showing how Saudi elites helped finance the whole operation. Did that stop Trump from making Saudi Arabia his very first state visit after being elected? Don’t be ridiculous.

Donald Trump knows the score when it comes to Saudi Arabia. He knows about their role in 9/11 and he knows they’re the top global proliferators of terrorist ideology on the planet. Nevertheless, Trump is now enthusiastically tied to the hip with the Saudis, thus making him a defender and protector of the status quo. Defend him all you want, but this isn’t the sort of thing he ran on with regard to America’s foreign policy.

Like other presidents who came before him, he campaigned on one foreign policy platform and then supports another once elected. In fact, Trump’s now so far off the deep end he’s widely expected to veto a measure recently passed by both houses of Congress to stop aiding Saudi Arabia in its ongoing genocidal war in Yemen.

Trump knows better when it comes to foreign policy, but he’s doing this stuff anyway. A similar thing could be said for his economic policy. While on the campaign trail he accurately called what was going on in financial markets a “big, fat, ugly bubble,” but now that he’s in the Oval office, he can’t get enough of it — cheering on the stock market every chance he gets as if it means anything to the masses of people barely getting by.

Meanwhile, back in 2011 Trump tweeted the following.

Turns out QE led to massive asset price inflation and society-destabilizing wealth inequality which played a key role in Trump’s election, but he’s not concerned about that anymore. In fact, he’s now actively begging for more Federal Reserve money printing.

I’ll take the other side.

Many people naively believed Trump meant what he said on the campaign trail. They thought because he was already wealthy and not a career politician he’d get in there and really shake up the status quo on hugely important issues like foreign policy and the rigged, monopoly dominated, surveillance focused, financialized crony-economy. Well it turns out Trump’s just like everybody else. He doesn’t want to be the guy sitting in the White House when the scam economy and unsustainable empire collapses. I guess I can’t blame him, but it doesn’t make the situation any less dire for the rest of us.

While there’s a very high probability that both the U.S. empire and the world financial system fall apart under Trump, it’s important to note that he didn’t create either one of those things. All the dangerous, outdated, corrupt and unsustainable things being desperately stitched together on a daily basis to maintain the status quo have been building up for decades.

It’s become clear no president will ever intentionally dismantle this ticking time bomb, it just has to play out on its own timeline. The important thing is to be honest about what’s really going on so you’re not completely caught off guard when the world changes faster and more dramatically than you could ever imagine in the years ahead.

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Michael Krieger

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20 thoughts on “Trump Cares About Two Things – Empire and the Stock Market”

  1. Agree 100%. Its sad but absolutely true. Trump is a con, a carnival barker. No one will save the system. It will implode (like the Twin towers- a controlled demolition) sometime in the next 2-4 years. Trump and the rest of TPTB know this with certainty. The 2018 tax repatriation, tax cuts were lipstick on the pig. The PPP and ESF are propping the stock market up like they have for at least 5-6 years. The Fed will do a version of QE4 to ensure the markets don’t completely crash before Trump gets re-elected. But the dollar will tank and inflation will get out of control. Trump will manage the bankruptcy of the USA for certain, and possibly the destruction of Israel. Its all rather terribly disgusting to contemplate, but its reality. Everyone who can think critically needs to protect themselves as best they can, or they will be wiped out.

    • Very astute observation, & I for one agree entirely with your point of view , as am sure many other ….it’s simply not spoken of !

    • Trump still 5 yard sticks more intelligent then the radical muslim fraudulent never was a true US citizen berry soetoro who almost destroyed our nation and crooked hitlery would’ve finish ruining our Nation.
      Trump never be owned by deep state and never will … I bet if crooked hitlery won she would’ve shutdown your website and you couldn’t do nothing about it but force to apologize getting down on your knees starts kissing her butts refuses to comply to her demand would be bad for your health… Like Trump said earlier, either you love or not you have to vote for me or choose SOCIALISM.
      Me, its easy … Trump 2020 !

  2. Yep, many Trump supporters are feeling a nasty hangover as they realize that MAGA was just a campaign slogan. The only thing that kept the charade going this long was their enthusiasm in defending Trump from fake news, as they continually told themselves the only reason the media attacks Trump is because he’s the real deal. The only 4D chess being played was the masterstroke of convincing people to defend him by using this bit of kabuki theater.

    The tide is finally turning. Even on ZH you can see many posters openly mocking Trump and getting likes, something that would have been impossible a year or two ago. Only a few diehards still cling to the delusions of Q-Anon.

    The MAGA hangover is good and bad. It’s nice to see people wake up, but they’re really grumpy and regular people seem to hate each other more than ever. The rich and powerful can put aside their differences and enjoy luxurious galas and events together, but regular people want to beat each other bloody. This isn’t remotely healthy.

    I really wish the 2008 crash had been allowed to happen without crazed interference from central bankers. The aftermath has done nothing to solve the structural problems, but given people ample time to stew in their own anger and conjure up evil bogeymen to attack as they got left behind in this “recovery”.

    • Open your horizons ..and stop focusing on one person, the world is much bigger than that , it makes your comments look shallow

    • You’re going to have to expand that thought, Zulu. Not seeing how I went off topic with my comment. Was this even aimed at me?

  3. I said it and suffered the slings and arrows, mostly from Trump wing nuts but also from Clinton and Sanders wing nuts also. What I wrote was that no matter who seizes the brass ring to expect more of the same only more so. Just even one quick look at those folks bona fides told the sad tale.

    What Trump is presiding over, as did his predecessors, is the intentional collapse of the American economy and it has taken quite some effort over several administrations to do it. What is being hailed as the coming of a multi polar world is really the coming of the collapse of nation states and their hierarchy. What really is coming is an even more centralization of the world power structure. That structure is run on money, surveillance data and at times brute force. All the rest is illusion while a sequence of incremental events, many run simultaneously (growing censorship on many fronts), moving agenda towards an inflection point where and when a big shift is sprung by some big event and most everyone just says OMG.

  4. “Trump Cares About Two Things – Empire and the Stock Market”

    Of course Trump is a Deep State member in good standing.

  5. Unfortunately the issue that really got the ball ( on the mess were in ) rolling was not even related to the United States.
    The creation of the EUROPEAN UNION , which has now turned into a program to federalize the group ( of simpletons) , has forced Americans hand .
    You understand that this failed joke of a Union , has seen capital flows out of this ridiculous area for years now ( to the US) . The Americans have been ( from the criminal Christine Lagarde & Mario Dragie 2 of the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse…Junker being the third ) under tremendous-pressure keep interest rates low as their little trading block falls apart .
    This has resulted in the failure of pension funds throughout Europe , & in the United States ( a result of 12 yrs of 0% interest rates) the time has come to cut these morons in the EU loose to save your economy !!
    Americans have been great allies to these European criminals who have destroyed Europe , and have reeked havoc on your pension funds !!
    It’s time to save yourselves , …but alas we may have already crossed the Rubicon !

  6. The vast majority of citizens convince themselves that we continue to live in democratic polities where every few years we can have input into the decision-making of our nation through our vote (amazing how powerful the urge of reducing one’s cognitive dissonance can be). I’ve come to believe the analogy that this, however, is akin to attempting to fix a car by changing the driver. I stopped participating in this scam some years ago. I refuse to vote as it only enables and encourages the political class to continue with their pillaging of the treasury and criminal behaviour. I’ve spent the past decade plus attempting to distance myself from the matrix as much as possible so that my family is increasingly not impacted by them and their shenanigans.

  7. All that matters now is, do you want to be a part of the problem, or do you want to be part of the solution?

    The problem is no longer difficult to identify, or to clearly define.

    Now is when you find out who has the balls to stay in the foxhole with you. Versus the ones who haul ass with their gun, their ammo, and don’t even leave you their canteen as they make their exit.

  8. With the clown car circus the commiecrats have rolling the biggest election evarz will lead to the glorious people’s collective utopia!
    Zimbabwe? Yes we can! Cuba? Yes we can! Venezuela? Yes we can!


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