Are Establishment Democrats Trying to Lose?

“My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.”

– Barack Obama to bank CEOs in 2009 (he sure protected them)

I’m only half kidding with the title here. No, I don’t think establishment Democrats are actually trying to lose, but I agree with the sentiment that they’d rather continue to lose to Donald Trump with someone like Hillary Clinton, than win with someone like Bernie Sanders.

The fight within the Democratic Party is very real and ultimately comes down to two groups with completely different understandings of reality. The big donor, Wall Street side of the party still wants to claim everything’s normal and fine with the exception of Donald Trump. As soon as he can be removed we can all go back to American exceptionalism; or something like that. Easy peasy. In contrast, the other side acknowledges things are very, very rotten and huge change is imperative. To summarize, one side wants to go right back to the Presidency of Barack Obama (with some added militarism), while the other is saying the status quo needs to go.

Forget for a moment what you think of leftist populist ideas, they’re at least willing to admit our country is systemically broken and corrupt, while the other blames everything on Trump and Russia. This isn’t a minor difference within a happy marriage, it’s the sort of conflict that ends in divorce. We remain in a justifiably populist moment in American history, and corporate Democrats want to fight right-populism with Hillary Clintonism. That’s never going to work.

One of the main reasons Trump won is he simply came out and publicly admitted that things are fundamentally broken and big change is in order. You can point out it’s all talk and that Trump’s a fake populist, but if the other side refuses to even acknowledge reality, who do you think’s going to win? We saw in 2016, and we’ll see it again in 2020 if Democrats keep up this nonsense.

Just in case you have any doubt.

Democrats. It’d be funny if it weren’t so sad.

Shifting gears a little, the inspiration for this post came after reading a recent article published by NBC News describing a conference held over the weekend for establishment/corporate Democrat cohosted by billionaire real estate developer Winston Fisher. Something akin to Burning Man for the Democratic donor class.

Here are a few of the more cringe-worthy excerpts from the piece, Sanders’ Wing of the Party Terrifies Moderate Dems. Here’s How They Plan to Stop It:

COLUMBUS, Ohio — If Sen. Bernie Sanders is leading a leftist political revolt, then a summit here of moderate Democrats might be the start of a counterrevolution…

That anxiety has largely been kept to a whisper among the party’s moderates and big donors, with some of the major fundraisers pressing operatives on what can be done to stop Sanders, I-Vt., if he runs for the White House again.

But the first-ever “Opportunity 2020” convention, organized here last week by Third Way, a moderate Democratic think tank, gave middle-of-the-road party members a safe space to come together and voice their concerns.

The gathering here was just that — an effort to offer an attractive alternative to the rising Sanders-style populist left in the upcoming presidential race. Where progressives see a rare opportunity to capitalize on an energized Democratic base, moderates see a better chance to win over Republicans turned off by Trump.

Establishment Democrats continue to go unicorn hunting.

For the left, Third Way represents the Wall Street-wing of the party and everything wrong with the donor-driven wet blanketism they’ve been trying exorcise since 2016. Thom Hartmann, a liberal talk radio host and Sanders friend, once called the group’s warning about Sanders “probably the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard,” before ticking through all the investment bankers on Third Way’s board…

And they worry the angry left will cost Democrats a rare chance to win over those kind of voters, including Republicans who no longer want to be part of Trump’s GOP.

These fools are sticking to the absurd strategy of appealing to mythical Republicans who don’t like Trump, but would vote for someone like Hillary Clinton. Newsflash, these people don’t actually exist in numbers in the real world.

Finally, not only do these “third way” types have a lot of money, they’re willing to fight dirty. We already saw this in the rigged 2016 DNC primary against Sanders, but they’re now preparing to turn Russiagate on those who won’t fall in line.

As I noted last week:

Radio host Doug Henwood also recently picked up on this sleazy behavior:

We’re seeing Dem pundits even accusing Bernie Sanders and other insurgents within their party of being Russian agents, witting or unwitting. Their indictments of Trump for treason make them sound like demented right-wingers at the height of the Cold War.

This obsession does relieve mainstream Democrats of concocting an attractive agenda that might win an election or two, but to do that they’d have to tack left, and Goldman Sachs wouldn’t like that.

This Russia obsession’s a win win for the establishment though – subdue Trump and the domestic left insurgency all at once.

Meanwhile, these people will distract with almost anything to avoid addressing the sober reality facing young people in this country.

Expect more of this sleazy behavior from establishment Democrats. Billionaires aren’t used to losing.

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22 thoughts on “Are Establishment Democrats Trying to Lose?”

  1. There is no indication at all that Americans are in a populist mood or have been so in my lifetime. 46.9% of all eligible voters did not vote in 2016. Trump only got 27%. Hillary only got 28%. Stop saying Americans wanted Trump (or Hillary). Kennedy was the last president ELECTED.

    • This is utter nonsense.

      1) When I say Americans are in a populist mood, I am clearly comparing the mood to prior moods in my lifetime. The fact Trump was able to beat a career politician with 90%+ of media behind her, and that Sanders was almost able to beat Hillary in the primary proves that we are indeed in a populist moment. If the Trump vs. Hillary Clinton election was held in virtually any other year of my life Hillary would have won in a landslide.

      2) Being in a populist mood doesn’t mean A) You like the options on the table, or B) You vote. I have personally been in a populist mood since 2008, yet still did not vote for Hillary or Trump in 2016. The point is, enough people are in a populist mood and motivated enough against what seemed like the establishment candidate to elect Trump.

      3) Don’t put words in my mouth. I never said “Americans wanted Trump.” I mused upon one of the main reasons he won. If you want to have a debate, act like an adult and don’t invent stuff.

    • Michael, winning with 27% of all eligible voters’ votes is not an indication the majority of Americans of voting age are populist. Numbers do not lie. 27%! Look up the official election results or do I have to do that for you?

    • Again, you are putting words in my mouth. This is a sleazy and dishonest tactic. I never wrote “the majority of Americans of voting age are populist.” I wrote that Americans are in enough of a populist mood to elect Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton and for Sanders to give her a run for her money. This is obvious to everyone with eyes open.

  2. Good article. With the coming break-up of the Democrat Party and a number of never Trump Republicans who just simply can’t see themselves as Republicans anymore, this is the perfect opportunity for the Libertarian Party to finally break out of its Republican “lite” status and become a major party. I hope that Austin Peterson is the parties nominee for the 2020 election. If we can finally get into the presidential debates then we will have a serious chance at becoming a competing party.

  3. I like what Rocketman says. It is high time the U.S. has more than two political parties. Its ironic that it was the Republicans in 2016 that had a democratic primary process – the Dems corrupted theirs. Neither Gary Johnson nor Jill Stein were viable candidates. 3rd party candidates should sue for entry into the presidential debate series. I live in Arizona, and if you can believe the polls, there are more Independents than Repubs or Dems.

  4. Establishment Democrats, aka Progressives, aren’t trying to lose. They’re just losers.

    Their ideology is the latest form of socialism. Throughout history it has never worked — and the body count is staggering — but they don’t care.

    They’re parasites who refuse to step out of the sandbox and show up for life. Anyone who doesn’t give them their freebies must be a Nazi…

    • Big Stevie, sorry to be the bearer of bad news here, but all countries including the US are socialist. Its just a matter of who this socialism benefits that’s at issue. There is Populist Socialism, the kind that you say doesn’t work. Then there is Corporate Socialism, which is the US model, supported by establishment Democrats and Republicans alike.

      Take the US for example. The entire high tech computer industry was subsidized by citizen tax dollars. NASA spent billions of public money on the the space program to develop the modern computer. That government funded research was then privatized, creating some of the richest corporations and individuals in history. The internet was a defense department funded project. Again, allowed to be privatized for profit. The highways system is a massive subsidy to auto manufacturers and the oil industry. How about the airline industry? Think about how many commercial pilots received their “free” training in the air force. Boeing and other aircraft manufacturers probably wouldn’t exist without the Department of Defense. Lots of freebies there! Thats why they call it the “Free Market”. There are countless other examples. In fact, the US government is by far the largest single employer in the US. Without socialism of some sort, countries as we know them would not exist.

      Also to say populist Socialism has never worked is simply wrong. There are numerous countries including China, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Sweeden, and others that by some metrics are arguably doing better than the US. Denmark’s health care system is considered the envy of the world by some, with everyone covered for free at a cost per capita less than the US. Norway has free college education. Are their taxes higher? Maybe, but the public actually gets something for their money other than expensive missiles, airplanes, and corporate bailouts.

      So a debate about which system works better, or whether some sort of compromise between the two might be the best, is fine. But don’t let establishment defined buzzwords pigeon hole you into divisive, all or nothing positions. Talk to someone who is a staunch advocate of the “other” political party. I would venture to guess that if we remove all the intentionally divisive catch words and instead focus on the ultimate goals and what might make a better society, 90% of us would agree with our mortal enemy on 90% of the issues.

    • Bob,

      Thanks for the asinine diatribe.

      Do you regressives ever wonder how badly you expose your derangement problem when you misinterpret others’ comments like this? I know, the question answers itself.

    • Not sure what i misinterpreted. You said socialism has never worked throughout history, and i gave you current examples of how it has. You also said progressives are parasites who want freebies. I explained how people in socialist countries actually do receive quite a lot, but they pay for it with taxes. This is hardly a freebie.

      In contrast, we americans pay hefty taxes as well but receive very little by comparison. Instead, the Establishment Democrats AND Republican controlled “free market” rewards corporations with the real freebies.
      Sure, some people will try to take advantage of any system. But In most cases it’s the corporations who are the parasites.

      Michael has gone to great lengths in the past to illustrate how the corrupt, two party system intentionally drives a wedge between people with common interests in order to prevent people from coming together and breaking up their clique.

      So, by all means, debate the issues if you like, but the personal attacks and labels add nothing, and only serve the establishment.

    • Bob,

      Your current examples of how socialism has worked are, in fact, case studies of socialism destroying countries that used to work — because of capitalism — but are now imploding under their own welfare and redistribution/taxation schemes.

      You are right about one thing: It’s not free!

      Your “serve the establishment” comment is classic regressive hypocrisy.

      I’m a constitutional conservative. The establishment seems to be very anti-constitution.

      But you’re not sure what you misinterpreted? Too funny…

  5. I hold little hope that some 3rd party candidate is going to come along and force the establishment to rethink its globalist wet dream of world domination via the destruction of nationalism. Just as Google and Apple will never allow some pipsqueak startup to cut into their profits, neither will the GOP and DNC allow any 3rd party candidate to get any meaningful populist traction.

    In the last presidential election, the internet was able to do an end run around the old (and complacent) political gatekeepers of print and broadcast journalism, but because of the “fluke” election of Trump, you can bet that the internet giants are working feverishly with DC to plug this troublesome oversight. Once that occurs, it’s goodbye internet neutrality, hello revolution.

  6. It would be interesting to see the two party duopoly start to disintegrate, but that needed to happen decades ago to have a chance of “saving” the country. Young people really are boned today (I constantly feel sorry for them) unless they inherit well, and that may not even matter.

    The political game itself if becoming passe since the next leg of American history looks like we turn on each other in anger. We’re hopelessly divided- by politics, economics, culture, race, religion, even by generation. As a Gen X’er it’s almost a relief to not be in the boomer-millennial crossfire.

    So yeah, 2020 could be an unusual election cycle, but does it really matter? If we see economic bubble bursting commence, a la 2008, things could start to get real. Meanwhile, the bankers are still running the show anyway no matter who’s in office.

  7. If that washed up old fart Bernie is the answer, what is the question ?

    Bernie is a complete stooge, sell out and company man, just as much a whore for the monied elites as the rest

    The idea he is “progressive” must be thoroughly depressing to any REAL progressive. And laughable to anyone else.

  8. I have no idea what all the political labels mean. I do know that Trump wants to keep his rentals full and Hillary wants to keep her charity coffers full. In both cases they seem to follow the end justifies the means. They have common ground.

  9. Do you think Sanders would really be any different? I just think the whole political system is a cesspool of selfish corruption with a different face every few years. That said, I can see why it seems like the Democrats may be purposefully losing. They seem utterly incapable of making an argument that doesn’t include the words ‘Russia, misogyny, sexism, racism’.

  10. I think the DNC hysteria reeks of the desperation engendered by Bernie’s primary near-win. THEY think he can win… and knows how to use a pitchfork. And re: non-voters, why vote if there’s no real candidate? DNC knows the ‘secret’… they CAN/WILL vote if motivated.

    To denigrate Bernie (et al) is carrying water for the plutos. Got someone better AND electable? Crickets! Troll away….. and collect your pieces of silver.

    • “Troll away….. and collect your pieces of silver.” Love it! LOL!

      I agree that Bernie is the only viable alternative candidate in our system for 2020; however, his nauseating endorsement of HRC after the primary lost him most of his base. A politician only gets to Bernie’s level by being a player, and he showed that in Spades when he bent down and kissed the ring of Felonia Milhous Von Pantsuit instead of filing a criminal lawsuit.

  11. The GOP is every bit as fractured as the Dems… Tea Party/populist republicans are ascending, while never-Trump’ers (neocons) are literally being purged (which is looooooong overdue).

    The “two-party system” cannot manage the broader & increasingly radical political spectrum that has emerged in the post-Boomer environment.

    The future os US politics is 4-5 parties which will have to “align” & form coalitions in order to govern. Huge, overdue paradigm shift… and it’s basically already happened – what we’re watching now is the old machinery breaking down as new inputs can’t be processed… so the old machine fights a pointless & ugly battle for relevance while voters/citizens suffer & wait for Boomers to die.

    • I’d bet on collapse before an expansion of the 2 party system. The whole point of this duopoly is to limit the number of palms to be greased when making deals. Having more parties just increases the number of people who need to be bribed to make anything happen.

      When push comes to shove, the two parties will circle the wagons and protect each other. I don’t just mean a little lip service here and there, I mean they’ll fight like their lives depend on it.

      We’ve already seen a little of this with Dems reacting to Trump. Suddenly W Bush, McCain, Romney, etc are great guys, level headed pragmatists that this country needs. The Repubs would do the same of someone like Bernie manages to defeat the establishment. Fox and talk radio would suddenly sing the praises of the Clintons, Obama, and anyone establishment, saying that they are angels compared to socialists or whatever the bogeyman becomes.

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