Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.
Before I get into the meat of this post, I want to revisit something I wrote back in January.
From the post, Very Powerful People in the U.S. Government Want War – This is Their Sales Pitch:
We need to understand that those who want this war will be absolutely relentless. The sales pitch will not end until they get exactly what they want. This is where all of us critical thinkers need to play a key role. We must be prepared to diligently analyze all unsubstantiated official claims, and push back against the war-mongers, because we know for certain the oligarch-owned corporate media won’t. We must be prepared to inform our fellow citizens about what’s happening so that we don’t fall victim to a cheap sales pitch with devastating consequences. Unfortunately, we must also be prepared for a possible deep state false flag if the current sales tactic falls on deaf ears.
America cannot win a global war of such a scale if it is based on false pretenses and in the absence of exceedingly strong public support. This support does not exist. Will this serve as a necessary restraint against the masters of war and their devious plans? It’s too early to tell, but I do know that if we are unnecessarily pushed into a global conflagration, it will not end well for us. If this is the road our twisted status quo insists on taking us down, let us never forget who they are and the self-serving motivations behind their actions.
Four months later, the deep state got exactly what it wanted. Trump’s weaknesses have been identified and exploited, and he’s successfully been manipulated into neocon foreign policy like George W. Bush and Barack Obama before him. I’ve spent much of the past several months warning about exactly what happened last night, but the die is now cast. There’s no turning back from the path we’re on.
And don’t give me this garbage about Trump playing “4D chess.” Trump’s a brilliant salesman, and that’s about it. There’s nothing special or superior about Donald Trump intellectually, and he’s one of the most unwise people to ever become President. There was a hope he meant what he said about non-interventionism during the campaign, but that hope should be entirely extinguished at this point. Trump is a very weak man desperately looking for praise from those he claims to hate.
The purpose of today’s post is not to discuss what happened last night. All of you have read the news by now. My intent today is to explain what I think this means for the years ahead. I believe last night’s strike represents the beginning of the end for U.S. empire. Although the U.S. has been declining domestically for this entire century, America has still been calling all the shots on the international front. This makes sense in late-stage empire, as the focus of the fat and happy “elite” becomes singularly obsessed with domination and power, while the situation back home festers and rots.
Trump won on an “America first” platform that promised to emphasize the well-being of American citizens over geopolitical adventurism. We now know for certain he’s been manipulated into the imperial mindset, and his recklessness will merely accelerate U.S. decline on the world stage, and in turn, back home.
If anyone’s playing 4D chess it’s Russia. Russia is anti-fragile at this point, as has been proved by Putin’s survival in the face of economic sanctions, a collapsing ruble and a plunge in oil prices. Putin is still standing and arguably as powerful as ever. Not to mention the fact that the USSR completely disintegrated and collapsed within the past 30 years. They’ve been through a lot as a people. Meanwhile, the U.S. is extraordinarily fragile and weak by comparison, a distinction that will become quite obvious to us all in the years ahead. I don’t say this with any hint of glee or schadenfreude, I’m just stating the facts as I see them.
None of this implies that Russia’s leadership are a bunch of good people by any means. What I am saying is that they are a thousand times more strategic and intelligent compared to U.S. leadership.
To prove the point, this would be a good time to review a post I published back in 2014, Tensions Between the U.S. and Russia Are Worse Than You Realize – Remarks by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Here’s some of what I noted:
There are two reasons I think the following remarks by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are so important.
First, as someone who spends much of his time analyzing and critiquing the many destructive policy decisions made by American “leaders,” I was shocked to find how accurate his description of the U.S. power structure’s mindset seems to be. He gets it, and he is more or less trying to warn the world that America’s leaders are basically power-drunk children. I concur.
Second, Lavrov also describes the negative impact that this behavior has had on the Russian psyche generally. He expresses dismay that the U.S. status quo sees the world as unipolar, and attempts to tackle every problem from the perspective that might is right. In no uncertain terms, Lavrov makes it clear that Russia will not stand for this. I don’t think the Russians are bluffing, so this is a very dangerous situation.
If there was actually someone in the U.S. State Department capable of such introspective and clear thinking, we might actually defuse this situation. Don’t hold your breath.
You should really read the entire post to see Lavrov’s comments for yourself in order to truly understand why I came to the above conclusions.
U.S. leadership is an absolute joke and will drive this entire country into a brick wall in the years ahead. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Chucky Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, are you kidding me? They remind me of George Armstrong Custer, and we all know how that turned out.
The media is even worse. In what Glenn Greenwald accurately called “one of the sickest things ever to appear on US television,” MSNBC’s Brian Williams gushed about the “beauty” of U.S. cruise missiles.
good thing we don’t have govt-controlled media in this country
— Adam H. Johnson (@adamjohnsonNYC) April 7, 2017
Here’s another sign of imperial collapse, Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, in a war zone calling the shots.
The Endless War Collection by J. Crew
— Brandy Jensen (@BrandyLJensen) April 6, 2017
This is not the sort of thing you see in a confident, brave, and civilized nation, it’s the sort of stuff you’d expect to see toward the end. It’s the stuff of craven war-mongers, of dishonest cowards, of a totally deranged and very dangerous media. The signs are everywhere; imperial decline is set to accelerate rapidly in the coming years.
Fine, but how is all this going to play out? Obviously nobody really knows, but I do think we’ve entered a new period in American history. I think it’s basically a crossing of the Rubicon moment for the American empire. Personally, I don’t expect a strong and visible military response from Russia in the near-term. I don’t think Putin wants to give the U.S. media and newly minted neocon Donald Trump an excuse to do anything truly crazy, which they can blame on Russia in the court of public opinion. I think Putin is too smart for that. Rather, what I think he’ll do is make all sorts of moves behind the scenes to weaken America’s economic power, while at the same time engaging in minor provocations to tempt the imbeciles in charge of U.S. foreign policy to make further mistakes abroad, to which they’ll emphatically oblige.
In other words, Russia will attempt to make the U.S. extend itself further in a region where no real success is possible, at the same time that the American economy deteriorates further. Recall that the current very weak economic “recovery” has been going on for nearly a decade. This cycle is very long in the tooth, and all Russia really needs to do is sit back, make some moves behind the scenes and allow the U.S. to collapse upon itself in its hubris and stupidity. This is precisely what I think is going to happen.
Finally, let’s not forget the following.
Since 9/11:
1) Non-stop war.
2) Destruction of U.S. middle class.
3) Banker bailouts
4) Death of civil liberties.
We showed ’em terrorists.— Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz) April 6, 2017
Expect more of all the above as the U.S. empire enters its most devastating phase of collapse. Think about what it might mean for you and your family and prepare accordingly.
If you enjoyed this post, and want to contribute to genuine, independent media, consider visiting our Support Page.
In Liberty,
Michael Krieger
Donate bitcoins: 35DBUbbAQHTqbDaAc5mAaN6BqwA2AxuE7G
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Consider in the last 24 hours:
1. We bombed Syria, a nation which is not a threat to the U.S.
2. John McCain and Elizabeth Warren have come together to sponsor the reinstatement of Glass-Stegal.
3. Senate Republicans tossed out the judicial filibuster rule and rammed through the Gorsuch nomination.
Welcome to Bizarro world.
certainly feels like bizzaro world..
schadenfreude THAT’S HILLARY to a tee bush and the golf bum are just as BAD.
They laugh in your face and DO IT AGAIN just for FUN .why keep taking it we are the JOKE!
NOBODY alive today will ever see a GREAT AMERICA,at this rate, very sad we elected a jerkey lightweight fool?
I would like to disagree, but I don’t
and I too would love to disagree, but alas, I cannot …
Well, there still are some shady details, that maybe this strike was more a PR strike to bail Trump out of “save America from russian agression” lunatics, than an actual military endeavor.
Loved the inspired comparison between the current American neo-con leadership and Colonel George Custer!
America now has another war criminal president. Ever wonder if the majority of the American people will ever catch on? The comments to Cernovich last night as he broke his take on this story by too many war mongering citizens shows the immaturity of too large a section of the population to hold out much hope. Brace for impact indeed as the collapse won’t be pretty. F**kheads will get us all killed.
Too many Evangelicals are still of the opinion that war is good if Americans fight it, bonus points if Israel likes it.
It’s unscriptural and deranged but they have too much invested to admit they have been hoodwinked. They have some really conveluted explanations for how Iraq is a good war to this day. It’s like invasion of he body snatchers. These people will not question what they’ve been told.
You are so right.
Trump revealed himself quite a while ago when he called for $60B in increased military spending, while cutting everything else.
I couldn’t agree more with this:
“And don’t give me this garbage about Trump playing ‘4D chess.’ Trump’s a brilliant salesman, and that’s about it. There’s nothing special or superior about Donald Trump intellectually, and he’s one of the most unwise people to ever become President.’
I give him credit for doing what Romney couldn’t. He is the son of a 0.1%er and a 0.1% himself, yet he convinced many in the middle class that he would work for them and even raise taxes on himself! That’s some marketing magic there.
However, it’s increasingly become clear that he needs others to do the heavy lifting when it comes to figuring out 2nd and 3rd degree effects. He’d have trouble with 2-D checkers.
As for Brian Williams, he is ready to give the sailors on the destroyers a Purple Heart. He talked about how the “massive” ships still shook when the missiles were launched, and that the sailors were in danger during the launch.
WE the poor citizens of the USA thought we where hurling a TIGER onto the battle field of American DECLINE and POVERTY to “make americka great again, only to awake to this crap again? WHY? OK OK lets start the Impeachment like the fags want.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for the timely post. Somebody, maybe Robert Steele, should organize a large meeting between the Alt right people like Alex Jones, Breitbart, Libertarians such as Ron Paul, people in, etc. with really reputable people on the real left such as Cynthia McKinney, Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nader, Chris Hedges, etc. to create a unified organization with common goals. I believe the real left and the alt right have so many things in common that it would be a shame not to do things together.
What do you think of this.
Seems like the best hope we have, to me.
The Deep State will do all they can to prevent it. They are masters of divide and conquer.
As a left winger who has been a devout reader of since about 2003, I’ve been waiting a long time for this to happen. Unfortunately, during that time I’ve watched the antiwar movement on the streets completely dry up. First it appeared to be a reluctance to embarrass Obama, but so far under Trump the Syria bombings don’t seem to doing anything to revive it. Even the Sanders movement was notably silent on anything resembling opposition to American foreign policy, even though a huge reduction in military spending would help finance the domestic programs they favor.
I’ve come to the point where I’ve given up hope that any of this can be turned around. All we can so is follow MK’s advice and be prepared for what’s coming.
“really reputable people on the real left such as Cynthia McKinney”
OK. I’m officially at the very bottom of the Rabbit hole now.
Have you ever met Cynthia McKinney, Gary?
She’s crazier than 2 Rats fighting in a coffee can and twice as mean. Her father Billy was completely insane.
Including her in the same company as Nader and Kucinich is also insane!
This is something I’ve thought about for a long time, and I completely agree. I would support and encourage such an idea. Many of us agree on many important issues, but we remained divided by being manipulated into fighting on other issues. I think non-interventionism/anti-regime change/war is one of those issues where we should put all other difference aside and come together and make progress.
Corporatism, crony capitalism, Wall Street bailouts and surveillance are other similar issues. If we stay divided, we cannot change things.
i’ve often thought the same thing but i’m afraid to talk to my “progressive” friends about it. they’ve all been brain-washed and just stare at me blankly when i suggest that there’s more to liberalism than social justice and that maybe they should listen to the libertarians when it comes to foreign policy and the banks. it’s nice to see that i’m not the only thinking person with these thoughts… i grew up in a cold war and i’m sick of these war mongering bastards.
I’ve considered that idea too. Came to the conclusion that it can’t happen. The progressive left despises the libertarian left almost as much as they despise Trump. Whether their reasons make sense or not doesn’t matter. To the progressive left, just about anything smacking of “libertarian” equates with Koch.And besides that, people such as Alex Jones and his ilk are (and I believe rightly so) viewed as bat shit crazy conspiracy theorist. Even dear old Ron Paul has that rep (and again with some reason, e.g. his connections with Porter Stansberry) So even if the two groups agree on one thing, i.e., no war, the differences and animosity cannot be breached, nor will the progressive left (esp. people like Hedges) want to have any affiliation or connection with shills like Alex Jones. Would love to be wrong on this but I just don’t see it.
Paul Craig Roberts, Michael Hudson, Max Keiser can maybe bridge this gap but it seems like a difficult proposition.
Absolutely! When will people realize we have major commonalities when acted upon together, will add much needed sanity and improve all our lives.
Always worried about Trump’s ego. It just can’t stand the constant battering from the leftist media day after day without eventually cracking. Now I doubt we will ever see a border wall or any hope of seeing infrastructure projects or tax reform. Its all about the military-industrial complex. Call up Dick Cheney – He’s morphing into Bush No. 3.
“leftist media”? Does this have any meaning? Maybe you are referring to the neoliberal/neoconservative media, which is far from “leftist.”
Anymore, “leftists” are far from leftists.
I have one quibble. It is not and has not been a US empire, but a global empire of capital. The US took over from Britain. Until global capitalism ends, the only change can be a new CEO for a reshuffled board of directors for global capital.
There are more wars to come. See
We are outnumbered and ill equipped for another war. The U.S. just hit the iceberg and the U.S. flag ship sinks faster from this point on.
I say we hit the iceberg in Vietnam.
Some possible sanity/strategy ideas behind this attack:
Our forefathers built a great country. We are resilient. Real Americans still exist. The solutions are very easy if we can get enough people to see the light.
It didn’t take long for Iceland to solve its problems. The bankers caused way worse damage there and within a few years everything was fixed and the economy was humming along again.
Jackson threw out one central bank. It can happen again.
America is not an Empire. America is a democracy built by the people and for the people. The people will take this country back from the oligarchs. We came real close to doing it with Sanders.
Next election we will be even stronger.
800 bases globally…sounds like an empire to me.
It’s for the children.
“We must be prepared to inform our fellow citizens about what’s happening so that we don’t fall victim to a cheap sales pitch with devastating consequences.”
This is something that, 14 years after the Iraq invasion that I strongly opposed at the time, I’ve mostly given up on. I’m tired of the monumental indifference and occasional outright hostility I get from people whenever I try to bring these subjects up. Since the election, it has become even worse than ever. I live in Northern Virginia, and now even liberal friends and acquaintances will just parrot back to me the propaganda talking points that come right out of the pages of the neocon Washington Post. I try to counter that the Post represents the viewpoint of the CIA and that of its horrible owner, who will soon be the richest man in the world, but to no avail.
If Trump manages to blunder us into a major war, I figure the best thing to do is lay low and only speak freely with trusted friends. It’ll just be safer that way.
Agree completely, Karl. Years of just trying to get people to LOOK at the evidence, let alone change their opinions of our “two party” system. Pointless, futile waste of my life. I’ve been doing personal prepping mentally and physically for the last couple years.
This will change when, as Mike say the empire ends or as Martin Armstrong says, we crash and burn. There is no guarantee we will be able to make things better then but it is an ontological certainty that we will never do it under the present parasitic elite system.
When crash and burn becomes your go-to choice for social improvement, you are indeed well down the rabbit hole. Better have a plan to brace for impact, indeed.
Keep voting for the same corrupt two parties and yet once again expecting a different result. American voters are a bit slow intellectually. They think there is a lot of difference between the two parties. There’s a lot less difference than people want to believe. Both parties love war, deficit spending, big government, ignoring the Constitution, and eroding our liberties and freedoms.
When this article mentions very Powerful People, it’s referring to the Corporate Media, and The Political Establishment…Trump has pissed them ALL off, and they are trying to stop his assault on the system they created!
Early last week there were a lot of news clips of Trump showing him with his arms crossed over his chest.
Body language 101 says that is a defensive posture indicating that Trump feels major rejection and his position is threatened.
Then came Bannon’s removal….. followed by the cruise missiles. Being forced to reassign Bannon and agree to that attack was a major blow to Trump’s ego and self-image.
Meanwhile, we now have some cheesedick from Jersey named Jared with no qualifications whatsoever in a war zone meeting with military commandeers dressed like he’s going to a Fraternity-Sorority mixer at Ole Miss.
This isn’t the “beginning” of the end, folks. It’s much further along than that. As soon as they offed JFK, Lyndon Baines Johnson got this party started 54 years ago. It’s been nothing but a procession of one presidential puppet clown after another ever since.
Genaro, you said: “This isn’t the ‘beginning’ of the end, folks. It’s much further along than that. As soon as they offed JFK, Lyndon Baines Johnson got this party started 54 years ago. It’s been nothing but a procession of one presidential puppet clown after another ever since.” It (the beginning of the end) goes back even further than Nov. 22, 1963.
The Path to Total Dictatorship: America’s Shadow Government & Its Silent Coup
Read the comments. Follow the links.
Trump made numerous visits to Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Island”. This fact is confirmed by your Google search. Epstein is a convicted Pedophile, again, confirmed.
The Mossad has a comprehensive collection of incriminating evidence on Trump,(and the Clinton’s and others in power) and have blackmailed Trump into doing their bidding, which consists of destruction and destabilization of the entire Middle East, for the expansion of Ersatz Israel.
Make no mistake, simply apply Occam’s Razor and always consider “who benefits”
Grim Fandango ~ YOU are 100% correct.
The Path to Total Dictatorship: America’s Shadow Government & Its Silent Coup
Read the comments.
Wish this were true but I’ve been hoping for an end to this evil empire for decades now. The powerful in the US just grow more powerful at our expense. They continue to always be in war & destruction mode. They will just milk us till we’ve nothing left to give.
Sorry but unless some one invades us we are just going to slowly fade out, unlamented. A whimper, not a bang.
Ordinary whites will of course be blamed.
All of our leaders are whores, except maybe Paul but he doesn’t get the race angle. Cotton has sold out as well.
I saw your remarks about DDOS and that you are using cloudflare. I believe that it you place comments on a different page, so the main story is not changing, then you can set things so the page is cached at Cloudfare and DDOS is then basically impossible.
After a few days contemplating what just happened and letting the dust settle I’m now not as worried as I was the day of the bombing about a US and Russia confrontation and World War III. The bombing was a total flop as far as denigrating the Syrian army. Zilch. 24 hours after the bombing the base was repaired and operations against ISIS/Al Nusra continued like nothing happened at all. Russia and Syria have many asymmetric tools in their war chest to go against the US and Nato. Most of the missiles didn’t even hit anywhere near their target. It seems like the missiles were sent with one eye on the Russian response. The US does not have that much freedom of action. Here are my observations in numbered form.
1. The US will not have domination over the skies in most of Syria because of S300 and S400 along with other unnamed anti-aircraft systems. Because of this bombing Russia is rushing many more of these systems to the Syrian army which are much cheaper to implement than the cruise missiles the US will need to saturate against these same systems. Defense is always cheaper than the offensive capability to overcome the defense. Hopefully Syria has learned a lot from Serbia on how to place decoys to fool the enemy. After the three month bombing of Serbia by Nato it came out that they didn’t degrade Serbia’s army at all. Nato just hit a lot of dummy aircraft and artillery. What defeated Milosevic was the weakness of Yeltsin Russia in not politically supporting him. I guarantee that if the Nato intervention had happened during Putin’s time Nato would have been completely defeated. Timing is everything. Syria is now the Serbia that would have been had it taken place today.
2. Because of number 1 the US cannot send an invasion army to Syria because US soldiers will only fight if they have aircraft cover and protection. Boots on the ground and aircraft over the skies is the only way that Trump can win. This, I guarantee, will not happen. The public will not put up with tens of thousands killed and hundreds of aircraft destroyed, all for supporting ISIS.
3. Now because of Trump’s reckless action Russia has exposed the US as openly aiding the terrorists. It is well known now over the world that the US navy that fired those cruise missiles is now the navy of ISIS/Al Nusra. All Russia has to do is continuously at the UN, the press and other venues remind the world that every missile that Trump fires off against the Syrian army is a missile that supports the terrorists.
4. Because of items 1-3 can you imagine Trump going to war against North Korea. North Korea is Syria x 10. An attack against North Korea would be so devastating for the area, including South Korea and Japan, that it’s just unimaginable anyone so insane doing this.
So in conclusion while the danger of an unintended US-Russia confrontation is possible I truly believe that Russia, Syria, Iran and China have time on their side and will be able to defeat Nato’s plans without jeopardizing their positions. In the end, even though Trump and the Neocons would like to take over Syria and kick out Assad and even though they are ready to invade, the ones in the military that have to actually implement these plans will tell their superiors that it is not possible to do without the US army losing tens of thousands of soldiers and losing hundreds of planes. The political and military brass have to listen to these people before they press the button.
P.S. The best site for Syrian information is
Where were you people in the last 8 years? Obama dropped 29 Frillion tons of ordinance on 7 nations. Trump hits ONE airfield, less than 10 deaths, and it’s GAME OVER MAN! sob, sob. No wonder Libertarians can’t get on first base.
Where was I? I was writing daily posts criticizing Obama for his wars and drone strikes. Go ahead and search the site, I was unquestionably one of Obama’s harshest critics.
It’s usually best to know what you are talking about before opening your mouth.
What an ignorant comment.
The whole point, Zeke, is that many were hoping Trump would not follow in Obama’s, and Bush’s, and Clinton’s footsteps. His appointees have done much to undermine that hope, and now this.
This is exactly as I see it. Kushner won the Bannon-Kushner elite power struggle. The neocon-neoliberals (the Neos) have defeated the reactionary racists. It’s Clinton only worse. I only hope your are right that the whimper wins over the bang.
And is there a place for the power of the people?
The thing is that every elected president in the US is constantly falling into a political trap. Arranged by the Neocons in advance to make it a complete pawn in their own game and for their own interests. And the explanation that in the United States there is the most developed democracy, where government is not a single official dictator, but a democratically elected president and government, this is an explanation for fools. Vladimir Putin in Russia also wanted to tame, in due time, such odious representatives of the Jewish oligarchs. Boris Berezovsky – LogoVaz. Mikhail Khodorkovsky – Rosprom Group (Menatep). Mikhail Fridman – Alfa Group. Peter Aven – Alfa Group. Vladimir Gusinsky – The Most. Vladimir Potanin – Oneximbank. Alexander Smolensky – SBS-Agro (Bank Stolichny). Vladimir Vinogradov – Inkombank. Vitaly Malkin – Russian credit. They played a significant political and economic role, owned the media, and unofficially united, despite internal disagreements, to ensure the re-election of Boris Yeltsin for the next term in the 1996 presidential election. It was worthwhile in Putin to show one’s will against their dictates and to put one of them M Khodorkovsky in jail for 13 years, as all the others fled abroad, who is going to, who to England, who to Israel, and who in the US.
I don’t agree that Trump has been manipulated, I believe that he only ran for president in the first place to fulfil personal ambition. He knows nothing about politics. And he is a hugely compromised character with no apparent moral fibre and minimal boundaries. I wasn’t remotely surprised by this news, not least because this is part of an agenda that goes back decades, and some people believe centuries.
I would like to believe that this betrayal will wake people up, but I’ve already given up any hope that this will happen.
1). Responsibility to Protect states the aid granted is mandated to be provided to the ‘Established Government’ not ‘deemed legitimate government’.
So, those rationalizing Trump’s decision to conduct surgical strikes against Syria’s Air Base’s warehouses and storage facilities as calling a bluff or conducting 4-D Chess are required to ignore or omit that Trump’s decision constitutes a premeditated war-crime under Responsibility to Protect (RTP).
You’re stating that Trump traded Trump-Russian collusion for absolute leverage through a premeditated war-crime. This falls under Trump is incompetent by omission; it must be determined malicious intent when you stack his staff-cabinet appointments and conduct.
Trump is as of now in it to win it in domestic and foreign policy decisions.
In short, Trump just joined the ‘sole superpower translates to sole global power’ corruptions of the Progressive Democrat and Republican establishments at best or always was at worst.
For those supporting Trump’s message, it translates to the Developing World as ‘You will hang together or assuredly hang separately’…
2). “In other words, Russia will attempt to make the U.S. extend itself further in a region where no real success is possible, at the same time that the American economy deteriorates further.”
They’ll double down on isolating the US Dollar’s world’s reserve currency status through AIIB from the Developing World enhancing the national interests of the Eurozone and OPEC members of the Arabian Alliance who in turn will double down on the Arabian Alliance desire to remove Syria, Israel, and Iran as obstacles placing the US and its allies as the most likely to conduct an even more overt act of aggression in a manner that unifies BRICS as a bloc economically and militarily.
I find it an optimistic estimate of $20 Dollars per gallon, and this is the way to go for it. $20 Dollar’s a gallon is more than sufficient to destroy the US economy requiring War and Rationing to counter seeking to preserve the ‘American Empire’ as the ‘indispensable nation’…
“Russia will attempt to make the U.S. extend itself further in a region where no real success is possible, at the same time that the American economy deteriorates further.”
I.e.; Do what the US did to the USSR with the Russo-Afghan War.
I just heard an interview with Maria Zakharova who is the press secretary of the Russian foreign ministry in which she said that right after the bombing in Syria US mainstream journalists went to her and not Nato to get clarification. She told them why don’t you ask your own leaders these questions. That’s really bizarre and weird. She says that it’s apparent that there is deep instability and rivalry in the US deep state and the attack on Syria is a result of this. This shows the world that the US is now very unpredictable. If true what’s next in line for this manifestation of unpredictability. Bombing of North Korea? which I said in the earlier comments is Syria x 10.
Nice article, silly Drumpf is achieving the good work of his predecessors in a bombastic way…
Trump supports an independent investigation of what happened with chemicals, nothing increminates the Syrian government, Trump apologizes to Syria, and the Deep State/shadow government is outmanoeuvred! Utopia? Probably Trump is not ready to risk his life.
Kushner is a AIPAC, Mossad asset to make war. All USA Military stay home & protect the homeland. You are just world banker cannon fodder anywhere else. A patriots job is not about a gov Check.
Trump is such a liar, like all the other US presidents
The decline (really stagnation) of the American economy would normally offer some support to your “decline” hypothesis unless you read the economics literature which seems to show that relative to everybody else, the US economy is in strong position.
I think that “Make America Great Again” insights images of our military kicking the ass of annoying governments. Throwing tomahawks at empty airfields ensuring that the runways remain entirely usable looks like kicking ass, but is really just political theater.
Spot on without question. We are so screwed.
anyone who believed the BS spewing from hair furors mouth needs to save up money and buy a clue. That was particularly true with his attempt to convince people he was noninterventionist. He spoke regularly about flexing military muscle, why would anyone assume that could be done without intervention? If anyone believed he was not going to blow shit up it was either because they are too stupid to live or they wanted to be fooled.