John McCain Goes Off the Deep End – Accuses Rand Paul of Being Putin Agent

Crazy John McCain is at it again. Not to be outdone by his conspiracy obsessed neoliberal Democratic friends, the increasingly unhinged Senator from Arizona just accused his colleague Rand Paul of “working for Vladimir Putin.”

The Daily Beast reports:

The long-simmering war between Sens. John McCain and Rand Paul boiled over on Wednesday when the Arizona lawmaker directly accused his colleague of working for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

While speaking from the Senate floor in support of a bill advancing Montenegro’s bid to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), McCain noted objection from his Kentucky colleague, saying that if you oppose the measure, “You are achieving the objectives of Vladimir Putin… trying to dismember this small country which has already been the subject an attempted coup.”

McCain continued: “If they object, they are now carrying out the desires and ambitions of Vladimir Putin and I do not say that lightly.” 

Sure you do.

Several moments later, after the 80-year-old senator asked for unanimous consent to move the bill forward, Paul took the mic to raise his objection before dramatically exiting the room.

In response, McCain began railing against Paul, his voice trembling with anger: “I note the senator from Kentucky leaving the floor without justification or any rationale for the action he has just taken. That is really remarkable, that a senator blocking a treaty that is supported by the overwhelming number—perhaps 98, at least, of his colleagues—would come to the floor and object and walk away.” 

He then directly connected Paul to the Russian government: “The only conclusion you can draw when he walks away is he has no justification for his objection to having a small nation be part of NATO that is under assault from the Russians.

“So I repeat again, the senator from Kentucky is now working for Vladimir Putin.”

Now watch the clip:

This video should alarm all Americans. McCain is accusing a fellow Senator of disloyalty and allegiance to a foreign power simply because he disagrees with him. It’s remarkably similar to what we saw Adam Schiff do a few months ago in an embarrassing interview with Tucker Carlson.

See: Video of the Day – Congressman Calls Tucker Carlson a Russian Agent on Prime Time Television

I suppose yelling “Russia” is simply the new strategy for clueless politicians when they can’t win an argument.

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In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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18 thoughts on “John McCain Goes Off the Deep End – Accuses Rand Paul of Being Putin Agent”

  1. Michael you have yet to figure out that….’Trump Trolling’ and Russian ‘Fear-Mongering’ is going to continue though-out the Life of this Administration… The ‘NeoCons’ and Deep State..want their Military ‘Pound of Flesh’ lolol

  2. Surely (with so many clown politicians repeating such utter ficticious crap nowdays) there is great potential for sales of t-shirts simply stating in bold capital print such things as: I AM WORKING FOR VLADIMIR PUTIN…or, I AM GLAD WE WORK FOR VLAD par example.

    Mass ridicule of these mentally challenged jokers in power required urgently 24/7 at street level.

  3. I can’t blame McCain on this one. Rand Paul basically said, “Fuck you,” dropped the mic, and left. Pretty disrespectful. Isn’t a big part of our present political climate the fact that people aren’t even talking to each other?

    Rand Paul should have at least voiced his reason for objections. According to Business Insider, Rand Paul told them that it would be “unwise to expand the monetary and military obligations of the United States given the burden of our $20 trillion debt….Currently, the United States has troops in dozens of countries and is actively fighting in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen (with the occasional drone strike in Pakistan). In addition, the United States is pledged to defend 28 countries in NATO.” Why didn’t he just tell that to the Senate?

    Basically we have a case of two Senators getting their feelings hurt and responding immaturely (Rand was hurt first because other senators are not supporting his full-repeal call for Obamacare).

    • Just because you weren’t there doesn’t mean that the above mentioned reasons weren’t clearly given in the chamber. McCain is an unhinged RINO and had insulted Rand for the last time. Censure is in his future.

    • BTN,

      “I can’t blame McCain on this one. Rand Paul basically said, “Fuck you,” dropped the mic, and left. Pretty disrespectful.”

      Yes you can blame McCain and you should. Being disrespectful is not the same as accusing another person of treason using the new McCarthyism of our time. Those two actions aren’t even close.

      Very few of the people in our govt. appear sane or ethical. To turn the other way as this “agent of Putin crap” is used to discredit others is a big mistake. We’ve seen where that leads and it’s not pretty. Paul’s action may be seen as disrespectful but McCain’s is dangerous.

  4. “I suppose yelling ‘Russia’ is simply the new strategy for clueless politicians when they can’t win an argument.”

    McCain was pissed because ***there was no arguement***.

    In my on-line experience, people with poor/losing arguements tend to vanish rather than concede. It’s much like Trump’s policy of never admitting he made a mistake. If people can’t admit mistakes, then you can’t trust them.

  5. John McCain is a member of the Rockefeller/CFR along with Bill Clinton, Janet Yellen, Lloyd Blankfein and George Soros. See member lists at cfr org.

  6. Further evidence that McCain is bi-polar and a paranoid schizophrenic. In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a lot of that going around nowadays.

    I keep waiting for one of Trump’s people to point out that the entire Russia, NATO, Ukraine, Syria, charade has zero to do with “national security” and everything to do with the World Bank.

    Always, always always, just follow the money.

    But with that thought in mind, I probably just provided the answer as to why Trump and his people won’t now that he’s gotten in bed with the boys at Goldman-Sachs. After all, the only thing Donald loves more than himself is money. So I can only imagine all of the hidden machinations going on right now regarding what the World Bank wants and what Donny Boy gets when it’s all said and done.

    Ephesians 6:12

    • Ever since Bush beat him in the primaries in 2000, McCain has slowly descended from having at least at least a few political scruples to becoming an unhinged sociopathic monster. He’s over 80 now, and at an age when most people’s minds really begin to slip.

  7. Doug, I expect better from readers of this site. EVERY news account (including Michael’s) is very clear that Paul did NOT voice any reasons. Check your facts before you post.

    Jill, to be clear, I do believe that McCain went too far. However, it was said in the heat of the moment. I would not be defending him if he had said that in a Press Release or Tweet. I expect McCain to walk it back, as I’m sure that he’ll be asked about it by the press withn the next week or two. If he repeats his claim, then I won’t defend him.

    Also, the disrespect should be put in context: this was on the Senate floor, where higher levels of conduct are required: that’s the only way a governing body can function. Doesn’t anybody else think what Rand Paul did was unacceptable as well? I didn’t see any sign of that in the original post or the comments.

  8. Why even address McCain at this point? Same with Lindsay Graham, they are both monsters who can’t wait for world war 3 which of course they wouldn’t have to fight in. There’s not an ounce of care for anything but blood in those sick Senators and i think its shows a real sad side that they have been reelected so many times.

  9. GJH,

    That is really sad. Of course, according to the article, the list of complicity is pretty long and extends all the way to Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter. So anyone bashing McCain on this has a pretty long list of despicable figures…

  10. On an RT show recently, one guy gave a definition of the deep state that included politicians. If so, isn’t it obvious that McCain and Schumer, as the most creepy of the many trolls against Trump, are likely candidates as the “cross-party” political leaders of the Deep State Cabal?


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