New Presidential Memorandum: “National Insider Threat Policy” – What is Obama So Afraid Of?

I saw this memo on the official website the other day, but I was traveling and never had a chance to post it.  I figured it would be too late by now, yet I am still not seeing it being widely discussed.  It implies that the Obama Administration may be very worried about the truth getting out about all of their crimes, potentially via leaks from high places.  Read it for yourself, but the language is pretty clear.  Here are some excerpts:

This Presidential Memorandum transmits the National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs (Minimum Standards) to provide direction and guidance to promote the development of effective insider threat programs within departments and agencies to deter, detect, and mitigate actions by employees who may represent a threat to national security.

The resulting insider threat capabilities will strengthen the protection of classified information across the executive branch and reinforce our defenses against both adversaries and insiders who misuse their access and endanger our national security.


Oh and this came out the day before Thanksgiving.  How cute.  As someone said on twitter today, if telling the truth endangers “national security,” then we are doing national security wrong.

Full memo here, please read it is very short.

In Liberty,

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14 thoughts on “New Presidential Memorandum: “National Insider Threat Policy” – What is Obama So Afraid Of?”

  1. You mean insider leaks like the gold and silver raid every few days before month end big time? Every wonder why this is done so often just before month end? Let me tell you why: It discourages all asset managers from buying PM’s when you know that when the statement comes out you’ll just look like an idiot yet again.

    It’s a great gameplan from these guys. Keep all the fiat in stocks and paper income and they can continue to “foam the highway” for a lot longer.

  2. Given the type of people who own the MSM if its not there, its not good for them.Maybe its just what it says it is?
    An attempt to clean out the people working to bring about chaos and collapse!
    Given the number of very high ranking military/agency personnel retired or fired recently, something serious has been or is happening.
    If the world is so close to the edge of financial disaster, then he is perhaps circling the wagons against the people who would profit from this? I’d like to think the morally bankrupt will have their day of judgement sooner rather than later!

  3. They’re starting to eat their own…

    The elites are melting down, trying to control their employees by Obama’s executive decree. These people have lost it. All they can do is issue threats on paper and bully people in the hopes that they cower and don’t turn on their masters. In the future, they will be pleading for mercy as the hammer comes down…

  4. It appears that nobody has actually looked into this. Perhaps you should check Webster Tarpley’s article “Coup and Counter-coup” or maybe listen to Stew Webb’s 3 hour interview of Gordon Dufff, editor of Veterans Today. Duff really got on a roll, coming up with info on all kinds of things that a lot of people have suspected. Both information sources are at


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