The Gun Has Been Fired: Precious Metals to Hit New Highs

So I was dead wrong about what the Fed would do in the video blog that I put out last night.  I did not expect them to expand their balance sheet with asset prices as high as they are and the economy supposedly growing.  This is THE signal I have been waiting for (and the … Read more

Video Blog #2: What to Expect from the Fed Tomorrow

Since nothing else moves the markets these days besides the utterances of insane Central Planners armed with printing presses, I figured it would be a good idea to preview tomorrow’s Fed decision.  I find the setup particularly interesting since the consensus seems to be expecting QE3 and I do not.  Have a watch! Like this … Read more

My First Interview with

I had the pleasure to record an interview earlier this week with’s Alasdair MacLeod.  We talk gold, silver, bitcoin and the two paths humanity can take going forward.  Either toward a centralized, police state gulag or a decentralized, free and open society.  The choice is ours.  Have a listen! Like this post? Donate bitcoins: … Read more

My Inaugural Podcast: Jackson Hole and Gold

So I finally decided to record a podcast.  It is something I have contemplated for a while and I finally got around to it.  The reason why I did it today is probably a combination of the boredom in the markets but also tomorrow’s Jackson Hole spectacle.  Viewer feedback would be really helpful as I … Read more

CNBC Poll: 69% of Americans Support the Gold Standard

Do I really think that any mainstream politician would ever actually move us toward the gold standard?  Not a chance.  It doesn’t matter.  As I mentioned the other day, the mere fact that Romney was forced to consider creating a commission to examine the return to gold tells us all we need to know.  The … Read more


Zealotry of either kind — the puritan’s need to regiment others or the victim’s passion for blaming everyone except himself — tends to produce a depressing civic stupidity. Each trait has about it the immobility of addiction. Victims become addicted to being victims:  they derive identity, innocence and a kind of devious power from sheer, … Read more

Picture of the Day: The Status of the New World Order

Yes, unfortunately for us all these really are/were our leaders.  Hu is just sitting there thinking, are these idiots really going to keep selling me their gold? Like this post? Donate bitcoins: 35DBUbbAQHTqbDaAc5mAaN6BqwA2AxuE7G Follow me on Twitter.

China Will Blink and Gold Will Soar

Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.
– Justice Joseph Story

When it becomes serious, you have to lie.
– Jean Claude Juncker, Luxembourg PM and Head Euro-Zone Finance Minister in 2011

The Game Continues
I have no idea why anyone is making a big deal about The Bernank’s testimony to Congress today.  There was no way he was going to come out with anything meaningful.  The only thing our favorite Keynesian sorcerer wants to do is get through the session in as painless a manner as possible.  It would be completely foolish to rock the boat in any way during such testimony, as it would just invite all sorts of aggressive questions and make the entire thing more of a spectacle than it already is.  It would also increase the likelihood of a verbal blunder, so there is just no need.  In fact, I am 100% certain that The Bernank merely wants to toe the line as carefully as possible and at the same time get some nice propaganda out there to the sheeple.  In that sense, I think he achieved his goal.

Mapping the Next Five Months
Everyone has an opinion and on days like today people really like to come out and spout theirs so I suppose I may as well join the club.  In a recent article, I wrote that The Big Print is Coming and in this piece I want to follow that one up with exactly how I think it all will manifest between now and the election.  Of course, no one can predict the future, but what I want to do is attempt to outline how I think Central Planner policy will unfold from now until the U.S. Presidential election in early November.

Ok so let’s start with the FOMC meetings.  Between now and election day there are four.  The first one as everyone know is June 20th, followed by August 1st, September 13th and then October 24th.  Many pundits claim that if the Fed is going to act they may as well do so well before the election so as not to appear to be “influencing the election.”  I’m not so sure about that.  Maybe in times past, when the power structure was a bit more reserved and less blatant about their corruption and manipulations.  They don’t hide that stuff anymore.  The “elites” in America today are simply gangsters.  We have already been officially christened as a Banana Republic.  The criminal behavior that now governs our political and economic system is now all out in the open for anyone with eyes to see.  They don’t care.

What I want to make clear in this piece is that just because I think a massive wave of liquidity is coming from the Central Planners, that doesn’t mean I expect it to happen in June.  There is no doubt that The Bernank is now doubting all of his academic theories of the past and is scared out of his mind to “do more.”  He is afraid it won’t work, he is afraid of the demand for physical gold and silver that it might spark, and he is also afraid to use the bullets now with asset prices where they are.  He wants to save it for when he needs it and he knows he will need it.

So the game continues.  Talk up the economy, talk down printing and pray.  The beige book and today’s testimony represented textbook Fed strategy in 2012.  Strategy that I have discussed many, many times in months prior.  They can talk all they want and give all the reassurances they want but talk from monetary magicians does not alter the reality on the ground.  As I have stated repeatedly in the last two weeks, I think the Fed is more behind the curve than at any point since 2008.  Back then, The Bernank assured us that there was no housing bubble and that subprime was contained.  Big bank CEOs were pimped out on CNBS to claim their solvency weeks before going under or needing a bailout.  The only strategy left was to lie.  Despite the fact that it didn’t work then doesn’t stop them from trying now.  Why?  They are insane.

Barring a market catastrophe in the next two weeks I do not expect the Fed to act at the June meeting.  With rates where they are and stocks where they are there is little upside to action; however, this lack of action is precisely what will set the stage for the massive action that must come later.  One of the main things that has allowed the Fed to kick the can down the road as long as it has is the fact that ever since 2008 they have acted aggressively on the first hint of weakness.  While the beige book pointed to relatively rosy conditions for the U.S. economy, I think that is because they were looking at data from early April through late May together.  If you look at the U.S. economic statistics, the data didn’t start turning for the worse in a serious manner until late in the second half of the month of May.  The Fed knows this but they are purposefully misleading the market.  In reading a Bloomberg article about the beige book the following quote stood out to me:  “’The Beige Book is clearly at odds with the hard data we’ve been seeing,’ said Millan Mulraine, senior U.S. strategist at TD Securities in New York. ‘We’ve seen a dramatic slowdown in economic growth momentum that you’d think would be reflected in a few, if not the majority, of districts.’”  Move along folks…nothing to see here.

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The Most Important Article of the Day – Is the UK About to Engage in a Stealth Default?

If there was ever an article that should spark every British citizen to immediately shift their savings into physical gold this is it.  Basically, proposals are on the table to change the way inflation is calculated for bonds that payout based on the rate of change in prices.  Unsurprisingly, they are purposely attempting to use … Read more

Saudis Pump All Out as the Global Economy Crumbles

It is a mindless philosophy that assumes that one’s private beliefs have nothing to do with public office. Does it make sense to entrust those who are  immoral in private with the power to determine the nation’s moral issues and, indeed, its destiny? …. The duplicitous soul of a leader can only make a nation … Read more