24 thoughts on “Zerohedge’s Twitter Account is Permanently Banished”

  1. People get the corporations they deserve.

    “I don’t fool with no facebook. No twitters and tweets.” ~ Elvin Bishop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsVN15irR3E

    Who cares if “Twitter’s the preferred communications platform of President Trump?” The whole concept of twitter was ridiculous from the start, and I live better not “following” Trump’s words but watching his actions (and there’s a huge disconnect in case you haven’t noticed, which renders the words a waste of time).

    Personally, I think the censorship being exerted across (anti)social media is great. It is actually increasing transparency. THEY are becoming transparent to the point that perhaps more people will wake the F up.

  2. Interesting article as always.

    I doubt Hillary not getting the pyramid cap’s nod is the primary reason for growing censorship across society as a whole and not just on the major social media platforms. Trump has served the cap’s interests just as well as Hillary would have served the hidden hand.

    The origin of these platforms is lost in the shadows to begin with and are the likely constructs of societal controlling entities both within the deep state and its controllers in the shadow government. On a personal note I never liked the idea behind FB and consider 140 spaces as a limit to dialogue a joke and at the same time as a conscious plot.Enough said then on that.

    Without being a constitutional lawyer what can one say about Co. vs Riggs which granted corporations legal person hood or Citizens United which extended the right of corporations to purchase free speech in their own interests in political affairs. We can all see the direction headed in when corporations like Twitter are given free speech to influence the public but they in turn can deny free speech to the public that uses their public address system. This as a rather eat your cake and have it too as Twitter gets to set the direction of discourse, having and at once also censoring speech at its whim. Nice gig if you can get it and you’re the very essence of an authoritarian.

    As for ZH I don’t trust their bona fides beyond what such a site might mean to those that might like to influence such a micro population segment. Just my natural way these days even though I check that site almost everyday.You have to watch a site’s trending.

    Censorship of the internet, taking control of the narrative, is a front of great concern to the globalist forces. We see censorship of the internet being advanced now in Russia as it already is in China. Parallels exist for doing the same in the west and other areas of the world as part of an incremental and sequential implementation of globalist’s agenda ushered through a variety of international institutions, the UN, world banking and even twitter. All these fronts could be said to come under the roof of sustainable development. So did ZH dox a scientist and by extension the coronavirus op and then by extension sustainable development? Does anyone remember Zika….the Boston Marathon event and lock down, SARS and the massive waste of taxpayers dollars on totally ineffective Tamifl at whose profitiing? I could gone on for some time but why as either we can see the direction society and culture are being herded in or we can’t.

  3. We’re in power, so use it. We’re not never trump perma-losers. Killing a conservative acct with 670k followers is outrageous and unacceptable. Find a way and do it, asap. might i suggest IRS, SEC, FBI, State Dept, Commerce over-reach? Let the media over-react or impeach or whatever. One good turn deserves another. When is their outrageous conduct ever going to be enough for a free people? Only when they get a hard shove back. Just do it.

    • Who is “we”? Unless you’re well connected and fabulously wealthy, you are most assuredly not in power. Just because you vote red/blue does not make you part of the club. One of the major reasons the USA is so screwed up is that people refuse to learn that simple lesson.

      Trump would rather listen to the Kardashians all day than a single utterance from you, me, or anyone else here.

    • Here here .. ! Social media addresses the emptiness people have inside .
      I for one wish Facebook/ Twitter & would slither down the dark hole it came from.

    • I also was banned @jasonus_habilis 2 days before ZH and had been tweeting alongside them the last 10 years

  4. “Only the little people pay taxes…..” There has always been a caste system, the lower caste is just beginning to figure it out.

  5. All of which is largely irrelevant. If Big Social wants to discriminate against people they perceive as disagreeing with them it is their right and privilege to do so. The problem is that the big players have competitors. They’re small fry at the moment but if Big Social picks the wrong target they could grow exponentially overnight. Even PDT has backup accounts on these upcoming social media sites.

    So it’s a shame that Twitter deplatformed Zero Hedge. Shake the dust from their figurative shoes and move over to Gab or one of the other up and coming Twitter alternatives.

    • Large corporations have adapted to this non-competitive environment. Rather than trying to have a quality product, they spend their time and treasure on buying up/eliminating competition and pumping their own stock prices. Seems to have worked fantastically for them so far.

      This is why I get surly with many self-proclaimed conservatives who see little wrong with bankers anointing winners and losers.

  6. Republicans of the world unite! Banning social media accounts is a social construct!

    Banning social media accounts is a Leftist “social construct.” Leftists and the Neo-Socialist Democratic American Party (NSDAP) power structures are nothing more than ideological social constructs themselves. A very large number of Americans have awakened to this reality and they realize that Leftist power structures are the very form of Fascism the Leftists say they hate. It is now time for sane people to dump Twitter, Facebook, and the other Socialist, hegemonic means of controlling every aspect of a person’s life from their position of control. From the liberated point of freedom from “socialist media platforms,” those who support the philosophy of John Galt will begin to apply truly effective counter-revolutionary means for destroying the extremely fragile edifice of Leftists and the Neo-Socialist Democratic American Party (NSDAP) power in our country. This Republic for which it stands belongs to Americans who have the wisdom and courage to beat the true Neo-Fascist Leftists (NFL) at their own game and run them out of America. This country is only big enough for Republicans!

    • “John Galt” is, as most here know full-well, a fictional character….entirely make-believe, with no actual human prototype in the real Living World….a “virtual“ figment of a fevered imagination. “Social media” is equally empty of any actual organic substance.

      The sooner captive “users” realize that no real communication between actual Human Beings can ever happen within that machine-made virtuality called “cyberspace,” the better. Then their precious attention can be given back to actual conditions (including their own) right here-and-now in Earth’s Whole Living Arrangement….instead of being completely wasted in the by-design DEAD END futility that is “social media.”

      So maybe, in-spite of their intentions, these “platform” commissars are doing us all a favor by excluding everything and everybody not conforming to their extremely constricted, ignorance-based, fear-driven, and ultimately suffocating “dominance” paradigm. Meantime, a few conspiratorial deep breaths can’t hurt.

  7. Zerohedge didn’t “dox” the researcher, they merely REpublished an article which contained ALREADY PUBLICLY AVAILABLE PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION. What good is research if the source is unknown… less than reliable. ZH didn’t give the researcher’s personal info. BS called…

  8. Banning ZH was a necessary precursor to the collapse of the US dollar and the entire USA monetary system. The powers-that-be could not possibly get out of stocks and into gold without being noticed if luminaries like ZH were allowed to point it out while it happens.

  9. Their behavior is not merely unethical. It’s highly illegal, and there’s case law in several domains from employment law to contract law backing that up.

    The tech giant are not, in fact, able to do anything they want on their platforms. And their lawyers aren’t actually all that good.

    They just win because very few people fight back intelligently. Some do. It doesn’t get much coverage, but these victories absolutely exist.

  10. Surely to goodness, we can live without twitter. I know this is not what some people want to hear, but why don’t Conservatives on mass exit this stupid platform? Let it spiral into a Left-wing circle jerk. Anyone listen to Jack speak. He’s a dummy. Move on and leave twitter to the twittless.

  11. Today’s ZeroHedge is not the same thing as the days of Reggie Middleton, Fonestar and MillionDollarBonus. Zerohedge=X22Report=SGTReport=Q=Alex Jones=.GOV.
    I don’t know why they are engaging in de-platforming theater with government operatives Alex Jones and Zero Hedge, and don’t care.

  12. Hi Michael.
    I was an avid follower of yours and recently got the axe on Twitter for the 2nd time.
    Im also a commenter at ZH. Imagine my surprise when they were booted off Twitter (NOT), but all the history via Tweets etc gone really bothered me as ZH posts lots of articles about the markets and the Fed. Maybe as Fed desperation with nightly repos continues and the economy falters, had something to do with ZH demise. But that’s just a guess.
    Twitter FB Instagram recent removal of anything Soleimani was also a perfect example of coordinated overreach with censorship. Also criticism of Israeli war crimes got me booted off Twitter twice. Can’t do that much anymore either.

    Anyway, a lot of folks on Twitter have set up alternative accounts at a place called VK.com., a social media site Set up kinda like FB but there is ZERO censorship and is relatively easy to navigate.
    Some folks there have already been banned from Twitter, some are preparing for when that dark day comes. Even major outlets like RT are already there. Press TV too. It grows more everyday. Its nice not to have to worry about saying something that will get you canned.
    Anyway, check it out. I keep trying to get the Tyler’s to pay a visit there maybe set up an account.

    Thousands have been pushed off Twitter. I don’t see that coming to an end anytime soon.


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