Video of the Day – CNN Anchor Wonders Why Police Aren’t Using Water Cannons in Ferguson

The following short video clip is simply incredible. Not just because of the incredibly insensitive comment made by CNN anchor Rosemary Church, but even more so due to the horrified and confused look on the face of black co-anchor, Errol Barnett. While CNN may not be particularly good at covering news or understanding racial sensitivities, you have to give the network credit for providing the world with one of the most memorable clips of 2014.

See for yourself.

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Michael Krieger

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4 thoughts on “Video of the Day – CNN Anchor Wonders Why Police Aren’t Using Water Cannons in Ferguson”

  1. Why let a perfect crisis go to waste? This has been on of bho’s premier legacies, look what he did during and after sandy hook. . .I rest my case. . . They, the bho regime want to milk this just to encourage other cities to join in the fight so he can complete his goal of declaring martial law USA!

  2. The issue over the militarization of police, appears to be devolving into a racial issue. This is typical of the divide and conquer strategy. The corporate owned and controlled mainstream media will do anything other than present the truth, unadulterated. Why not use a “water cannon” on your TV subscription? If everybody would just stop watching TV, and quit reading newspapers,and their lying magazines, these whores would be out of work.

  3. this is one of the tragedies of being black in america today. also of being jewish.

    as a jew, i find myself constantly disgusted by the lack of criticism from jewish americans over the banking system looting the public.

    however, no other jews really want to hear about this, least of all the ones in new york who do happen to work on wall street. so you ‘own’ people don’t care. it is an issue of the mutiple levels of identity we hold in realation to those in our various ‘groups’.

    for sensible thoughtful black americans———-they do realize that the deliberate racialization of the politics of poverty is used to divide the middle and impoverished classes from one another——so that the looting classes can continue to rule. however, if you are black and you try to explain this to the vast majority of other black people, they themselves dont’ want to hear about it, because they are themselves rapt up in their own identity politics.

    jewish americans are mostly the same. the israel issue is for american jews what generic racism against blacks is for american blacks.

    it divides and conquers the mindset of the vast majority of people who comprise these groups so as to demote them to interest party politics.

    meanwhile the ‘majority’ of middle class peasants are told by television to watch the televised issues and either join their minority interest causes—(anti-disrimination, pro-israel ) or be against these minorities ( blame the blacks , blame the jews)

    the result is a set of narratives effectively distracting all the various groups and helping to separate them all from one another so that they all dont’ gang up against the elites.

    ask yourself this—-can you imagine if a black man succesfully recruited a bunch of tea party 2nd amendment rights groups to fergusson. to help these people? the tea party folks might, just might show up, but the possibility that they will be perceived as ‘other’ and ‘white racists’ by the poor black folks they are trying to help might actually be a problem as the groups find difficulty in making common cause. this reality is well understood not only by the elites but by these groups themselves. and many individuals don’t want to take the risks of ‘putting themselves out there’ to help others. the ‘cross over the isles’ kind of guy that would even try something like this would be the anti-thesis of al sharpton. al sharpton plays a role of dividing the black community into petty hatreds. any thinking black person knows this. but there are enough humans, blakc and white, that are easily taken advantage of by the al sharptons of the world.

    the net result is that is very HARD to united all these different groups under a common cause of liberty and low taxation of labor. and very easy to separate them all.

    the open border policy is further about separating americans from one another.

    on some level, the united states is probably closer to rome than any nation has been in a long long time. napolean’s france could not even come close to the tower of bablyon effect that rome and now the united states has replicated.

    and as with the tower of bablyon, it is only a matter of time before the many distinct threads that have been weaved together begin to come loose. perhaps pulling all of them together is simply the errand for those who can profit of them. and when the profit dries up, the quilt-work dissembles.

  4. Teslark, Thanks for your comments. Unfortunately Abrahamic religion has divided and conquered humans for centuries, because all 3 branches are based on”master race” theology.and practice exclusivity.
    Is it not true that Zionists own and control the media? Hollywood? the porn industry? Is it not true that AIPAC is the largest and wealthiest of D.C. lobbies? Is it not true that almost all of our congress is under the thumb of AIPAC? Is it not true that the Christian Zionists are manipulated by the likes of Netanyahu, based on arcane scriptures?, I realize that there are people who self-identify as Jews, who in truth are atheists. That is totally illogical and contributes to confusion.
    I have read some disturbing information regarding the sanctification of child rape in the Talmud. I have also read disturbing instructions in the Talmud on deliberate mistreatment of the “goyim”.It seems politically correct to make fun of evangelical Christians and ignorant Muslims, but if one dares poke fun at the Jew, the label anti-Semite is immediately applied.
    A growing number of elected public officials and appointees now carry dual citizenship with Israel. Are you familiar with the creation of the Federal Reserve, and the Rothschild/Warburg connection?
    I am glad you posted. True healing will arrive when humans can be honest.
    I have been wanting answers to these questions for a long time. How many people who self-identify as Jews, are aware of this history? I have heard some clear, strong, and intelligent Jewish voices as regards to the horrors of Palestine. But no voices regarding these other issues. Thanks


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